NoQ added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/SVals.cpp:151
+  Optional<QualType> VisitNonLocLazyCompoundVal(nonloc::LazyCompoundVal LCV) {
+    return Visit(LCV.getRegion());
+  }
vsavchenko wrote:
> NoQ wrote:
> > This is correct except you need to get the value type, not the pointer type.
> > 
> > `LazyCompoundVal` is a `prvalue` and its parent region is the location in 
> > which this `prvalue` resided some time in the past. So the parent region is 
> > of the right type and it's always typed but you need the pointee type.
> OK then, can you maybe hint how can I write a test where this is going to be 
> a pointer type (or maybe then `getType` for regions works incorrectly).
Regions have `getLocationType()` (the pointer type) and `getValueType()` (the 
pointee type). I think you need to call the latter directly in this case, 
bypassing recursion.

In order to obtain a live `LazyCompoundVal` specimen for testing purposes, you 
need to load an entire compound object (not necessarily represented by a 
`CompoundVal`) from Region Store.

  struct MyStruct a;
  // ...
  struct MyStruct b = a; // Avoid C++ though, constructors are a different 

Or you could construct one directly. But that, of course, wouldn't give you any 
hints about the appropriate type.

> maybe then `getType` for regions works incorrectly

Hmm that's actually a good separate question. How do you know if a region 
represents a prvalue of pointer type or a glvalue of pointee type (including, 
but not limited to, references)? This can't be figured out without more context 
just by looking at the `SVal`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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