klimek added a comment.

In D69764#2934686 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D69764#2934686>, @aaron.ballman 

> In D69764#2934612 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D69764#2934612>, @MyDeveloperDay 
> wrote:
>>> I was referring to @rsmith and @aaron.ballman (to clarify), both are 
>>> maintainers in 'clang', the former of which is the 'superset' maintainer of 
>>> this format project based on its directory. While Aaron is a 
>>> peer-maintainer to this project, his contributions are immense, and his 
>>> points are too-well-reasoned and motivated to be dismissed.
>> Just so we are clear I'm not dismissing anyone opinions, @arron.ballman and 
>> I have been going at this quite a bit both on and off list. I have huge 
>> respect for these people, (even if the defence of my review it might not 
>> seem so). I can't even think to emulate their contributions.
>> Ideally I'd like their blessing, but alas I fear that might be beyond my 
>> capabilities, but if there are things like the RFC that could even go some 
>> way to potentially them seeing a way forward that is mutually beneficial so 
>> that the door is even open a jar for this then I'm happy to try.
>> If ultimately the answer is "no" then I need to understand what can be done 
>> if anything, if that means a new tool then I'm ok with that as the 
>> compromise. Out right dismissal, I would be very sorry to see.
> Here are my thoughts put in one place.
> 0) I like the idea of being able to format qualifier location, and I think 
> clang-format is the tool I would reach for to perform that work
> .33) I wish this was generalized to handle all qualifiers rather than just 
> `const`. (This is not a blocking wish.)
> .66) I wish this used "left" and "right" rather than "east" and "west" for 
> user-facing options and documentation. (This is Very Strong wish but I won't 
> block the patch over it.)
> 1. In general, I do not like the idea of my code formatting tool having 
> opinions about the input source's existing formatting (I think valid code 
> should remain valid). This is the area of concern causing me to ask for an 
> RFC because I'm operating under the impression that not breaking code is 
> (generally) the status quo for clang-format.
> 2. If the community consensus is that formatting can break code (blanket 
> permission, case by case basis, whatever), I'll definitely abide by that 
> decision. I just want it to be an explicit decision from a wider audience 
> than people who might be following this very long-running patch.
> 3. The proposed opt-in nature of the check is a blessing and a curse. It 
> alleviates some of the danger (it's not dangerous by default, you have to 
> manually say you want it). But it doesn't eliminate the danger (code can 
> still be broken) and it does raise the question of how often people opt into 
> this sort of thing and whether it's worth the maintenance costs. I don't 
> think any of us can answer those "do people opt in" questions though, so 
> that's not a concern I think we should hold anything up over unless someone 
> has actual data on usage of opt-in features for clang-format. I think opt-in 
> alleviates enough of the danger that it's a worthwhile approach for this 
> patch (and likely may be a good idea for a policy on future changes of the 
> same kind).
> tl;dr: if there's an RFC and the community says "breaking changes aren't that 
> big of a deal to us", it tips me from "against" to "in favor" for this 
> functionality.

Happy to go the RFC route if @MyDeveloperDay wants to do that.

FWIW, I don't understand the idea of the community being a democracy. It is 
not, and never was. Chris has designed an escalation process, when this was 
raised to him - I don't know whether this was ever made official or tested.
I also don't see this as a big change from clang-format's principles - C++ is 
(unfortunately) way too complex to not be able to introduce subtle bugs - the 
history of clang-format is full of them.

Note that I don't think the change will get consensus on an RFC, but not making 
the change will not get consensus, either - in that case, other than escalating 
to a clear higher decision power, or letting main contributors make the call, I 
don't know what to do.



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