bruno added a comment.

Thanks for working on upstreaming this @ab. Overall looks good to me, I see 
clang-format issues, are those legit? One more comment inline.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Driver/
+let Group = f_Group in {
+  let Flags = [CC1Option] in {
+    def fptrauth_intrinsics : Flag<["-"], "fptrauth-intrinsics">,
+      HelpText<"Enable pointer-authentication intrinsics">;
+  }
+  def fno_ptrauth_intrinsics : Flag<["-"], "fno-ptrauth-intrinsics">;
ab wrote:
> rjmccall wrote:
> > kristof.beyls wrote:
> > > My impression is that generally for `__builtin_XXX` intrinsics, there are 
> > > no compiler flags to make them available or remove their availability.
> > > Is there a good reason why a command line option is needed for the 
> > > `__builtin_ptrauth` intrinsics, but not (IIUC) for most or any other 
> > > existing `__builtin_XXX` intrinsic?
> > > If there is no good reason, it seems better to me to not have a command 
> > > line option so there is better consistency across all `__builtin_XXX` 
> > > intrinsics?
> > > 
> > > (after having read more of the patch): my impression has changed now that 
> > > the f(no-)ptrauth-intrinsics flag rather selects whether the ptrauth 
> > > intrinsics get lowered to PAuth hardware instructions, or to "regular" 
> > > instructions emulating the behavior of authenticated pointers. If that is 
> > > correct (and assuming it's a useful option to have), I would guess a 
> > > different name for the command line option could be less misleading. As 
> > > is, it suggests this selects whether ptrauth_ intrinsics are available or 
> > > not. If instead, as I'm guessing above, this selects whether ptrauth_ 
> > > intrinsics get lowered to PAuth instructions or not, maybe something like 
> > > '-femulate-ptrauth' would describe the effect of the command line switch 
> > > a bit better?
> > The ptrauth features were implemented gradually, beginning with the 
> > intrinsics.  Originally we needed a way to enable the intrinsics feature 
> > without relying on target information.  We do still need a way to enable 
> > them without necessarily enabling automatic type/qualifier-based pointer 
> > authentication.  I don't know if we need to be able to *disable* them when 
> > the target supports them; I agree that that would be a little strange.
> > 
> > If not, we could just enable the intrinsics whenever either the target says 
> > they're okay or software emulation (a separate, experimental feature) is 
> > enabled.  The AArch64 target has a `+pauth` target feature.  However, I 
> > don't know if `-arch arm64e` actually adds that feature on Apple targets.  
> > Also, the `HasPAuth` field in the clang `TargetInfo` does not appear to be 
> > properly initialized to `false` when `+pauth` *isn't* present; fortunately, 
> > that field never used.
> > 
> > I'm not sure if it would actually be okay to remove the 
> > `-fptrauth-intrinsics` driver option if we just enabled the intrinsics 
> > based on the target feature.  That does feel cleaner, but unfortunately, we 
> > at Apple probably have explicit uses of the option that we'd have to clean 
> > up before we could remove the option.  We could treat that as an Apple 
> > problem and keep it out of the open source tree, though, and maybe remove 
> > the option altogether someday.
> > 
> > Ahmed, thoughts?
> Hmm, I agree it would be strange to need to disable the intrinsics, but we do 
> also gate the various higher-level qualifiers (and intrinsics) on 
> `ptrauth_intrinsics`.  So, in `ptrauth.h` (and in various users) the feature 
> now really means "we're in a 'ptrauth-aware' environment".  And it does make 
> more sense to keep that separate from "we're running on a CPU that 
> theoretically could support ptrauth".  It comes down to what "ptrauth-aware" 
> really means, and that's probably also an Apple problem, and all current 
> users of `ptrauth_intrinsics` should use something like `__arm64e__` instead.
> That still means there's no equivalent for other targets and/or software 
> emulation, but that seems okay: `ptrauth.h` already needs changes to be 
> usable from anywhere other than arm64e (cf. the discussion about keys), and 
> we can cross that bridge when we get there.
> (One could argue that all the language-feature-specific qualifiers and 
> intrinsics should be gated on the appropriate ptrauth_whatever feature, but 
> the qualifiers are often used in precisely the glue/runtime code that doesn't 
> build in the appropriate mode, so doesn't have the feature enabled.)
> So, concretely, we could:
> - continue gating these plain intrinsics on `ptrauth_intrinsics` in ptrauth.h 
> (IIRC there's an ACLE feature macro but it's specific to return address 
> signing and BTI defaults; I'll check)
> - enable the feature when `+pauth`
> - replace all other uses of `ptrauth_intrinsics` with `__arm64e__`, in both 
> ptrauth.h (gating the ABI qualifiers) and gradually in our internal codebases
> and keep `-fptrauth-intrinsics` downstream for the transition (or, depending 
> on how much the flag is really used, just keep the old behavior of enabling 
> the feature for arm64e only;  but yeah, that's my downstream problem)
I'd vote for keeping as is: `-fptrauth-intrinsics` allows a nice limited use of 
the pauth feature pack. Has actually been useful for us (non-Apple targets) in 
code that needs signing capabilities but not want itself to be codegen'd using 
pauth - e.g. a dynamic linker for a system that is migrating codebase to pauth 
in small steps.

`ptrauth_intrinsics` gates have been equally useful. By doing this downstream 
we would need to duplicate this logic as well, so I don't really it benefiting 
the community as much.

Enabling the feature when `+pauth` sounds like overall goodness regardless imo.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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