tstellar added a comment.

In D120305#3347148 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D120305#3347148>, @MaskRay wrote:

> In D120305#3347145 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D120305#3347145>, @tstellar 
> wrote:
>> In D120305#3347143 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D120305#3347143>, @MaskRay 
>> wrote:
>>> In D120305#3347142 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D120305#3347142>, @tstellar 
>>> wrote:
>>>> In D120305#3347139 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D120305#3347139>, @MaskRay 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> In D120305#3347109 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D120305#3347109>, @tstellar 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>> The issue here has nothing to do with the technical merits of the patch 
>>>>>> or what the root cause of the problem is.  The policy for this project 
>>>>>> is that if you commit a patch that breaks someone's configuration 
>>>>>> (especially a buildbot), then it needs to be fixed quickly or reverted.  
>>>>>> I get that this policy can be frustrating as a committer when you feel 
>>>>>> your patch is correct, and the real problem is elsewhere, but this is 
>>>>>> still the policy and it should be followed.
>>>>> 7 hours ago my 
>>>>> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-zorg/commit/b6ddf02ce3a54da2df29e7e599b1838167e0e3ad
>>>>>  was sufficient to fix the issue and was the suggested fix in my opinion.
>>>>> Unfortunately nobody on the PowerPC side made the change effective in the 
>>>>> build bot. Rather, I received such a heated message 
>>>>> (https://reviews.llvm.org/D120305#3347058).
>>>>> It was another way to fix the redness (revert) but IMO not justified.
>>>> I feel like we are talking past each other at this point, but in general 
>>>> changing the buildbot configuration is not an acceptable solution to a 
>>>> broken bot.  Did the bot owner approve that change?
>>> Unsure why it isn't acceptable. There is fairly strong evidence that that 
>>> specific ppc64le buildbot has a stability issue and 
>>> `-DCLANG_DEFAULT_PIE_ON_LINUX=OFF` keeps it as if before this CMake patch.
>>> We can always discuss this with @nemanjai in another place, e.g. in IRC if 
>>> we want to stop bothering others subscribing to this thread.
>> It's not acceptable, because buildbots are meant to represent a specific 
>> configuration that the buildbot owner cares about.  Changing the buildbot 
>> configuration makes the buildbot no longer useful to them since it is now 
>> testing something different.  For example, if someone is running production 
>> builds that used the same configuration as the buildbot, those production 
>> builds are still broken even though the buildbot is green.  Configuration 
>> changes like this need to have approval of the bot owner.
> If clang-ppc64le-rhel works with `-DCLANG_DEFAULT_PIE_ON_LINUX=off` but not 
> with  `-DCLANG_DEFAULT_PIE_ON_LINUX=on`, adding  
> `-DCLANG_DEFAULT_PIE_ON_LINUX=off` makes the intention explicit. I am not 
> sure why this isn't acceptable.
> It's a tech debt, though, as we are making configurations fragmented.
>> I still don't understand why you can't revert the patch.  I've encountered 
>> this same situation numerous times while working on this project and no one 
>> has ever objected this much to doing a revert.  The fact that this is the 
>> second time this has happened is concerning to me.
> I have stated my reasoning. Configuration churn can also be a problem to 
> users.
> Consider what if the DWARF v5 patch got reverted and relanded back and forth. 
> Downstream users would keep observing changing behaviors.
> In this case, really even normal ppc64le machines (including some bots) were 
> happy and just that one was picky.
> Given that the bot does not have a high success rate (track record) for at 
> least the past month, I am unsure I am supposed to revert my change.
> It is more concerning to me that a bot maintainer leaves an unstable bot for 
> so long and is not even willing to spend very little time to make a llvm-zorg 
> change live (perhaps just restart the bot software), but rather is more 
> willing to **write such a long reply taking it very personally**.
> (Sorry, I know when I write this, I was a bit in a mood. I felt quite 
> frustrated at this point, so I could not keep using the tune when I made the 
> reply https://reviews.llvm.org/D120305#3347094)
> I can response to you that I have shared the thread to some folks and at 
> least two agree with me that nemanjai's reply made the discussion less 
> technical but more personal.

Can these folks provide their feedback on the thread?

> And one pointed out that your "nemanjai is correct" message was made a bit 
> arbitrary, without evidence of considering the full context.

The Reversion Policy is documented here: 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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