aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/docs/DeveloperPolicy.rst:195
+* Adding, removing, or regrouping a diagnostic.
+* Fixing a bug (please link to the issue fixed in the bug database).
+* Adding or removing an optimization.
nikic wrote:
> I disagree with this point. Bug fixes should not make it into the release 
> notes as a matter of course -- there may be specific high-impact bug fixes 
> that may be worth mentioning, but bug fixes should not be included in the 
> release notes as a matter of policy.
> I agree that release notes for Clang/LLVM are currently insufficient, but we 
> should also be careful not to over-compensate in the other direction, but 
> including too much irrelevant noise.
> I disagree with this point. Bug fixes should not make it into the release 
> notes as a matter of course -- there may be specific high-impact bug fixes 
> that may be worth mentioning, but bug fixes should not be included in the 
> release notes as a matter of policy.

I disagree (quite strongly) with this and would point out that users have 
explicitly requested this information be included: 

> I agree that release notes for Clang/LLVM are currently insufficient, but we 
> should also be careful not to over-compensate in the other direction, but 
> including too much irrelevant noise.

Bug fixes are generally far from irrelevant, but I agree that reviewer and 
author discretion is advised (as with any release note). For example, if you 
introduce a bug in version N and fix the bug in version N, there's no need for 
a release note in that situation because there's no user-facing change as far 
as users care about. But I don't want to try to spell that out in precise 
detail because there will always be edge cases.



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