rjmccall added a comment.

In D113107#3620014 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D113107#3620014>, @zahiraam wrote:

> In D113107#3615372 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D113107#3615372>, @zahiraam 
> wrote:
>> In D113107#3606106 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D113107#3606106>, @rjmccall 
>> wrote:
>>> In D113107#3606094 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D113107#3606094>, @zahiraam 
>>> wrote:
>>>> In D113107#3605797 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D113107#3605797>, @rjmccall 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think on balance the right thing to do is probably to add an 
>>>>> alternative to `-fexcess-precision`, like `-fexcess-precision=none`.  We 
>>>>> can default to `-fexcess-precision=standard` and treat 
>>>>> `-fexcess-precision=fast` as an alias for `standard` for now.
>>>> In 
>>>> https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.8.2/gcc/Optimize-Options.html#index-ffloat-store-900
>>>>  ,  it looks like when compiling C, the default is 
>>>> -fexcess-precision=standard which would align with this implementation and 
>>>> our default too. So I think we could use the same name for the option. 
>>>> -fexcess-precision=none corresponds to the current behavior.
>>>> -fexcess-precision=standard = -fexcess-precision=fast corresponds to this 
>>>> implementation.
>>>> Agreed?
>>> Since you're not landing this option right now anyway, do you mind 
>>> broaching this with the GCC folks, just to be good neighbors?  You can just 
>>> say that (1) Clang is looking for a way to request operation-by-operation 
>>> lowering, (2) it feels like `-fexcess-precision` is the right option to add 
>>> that to, (3) we don't want to tread on toes by adding an alternative to 
>>> "their" option without talking to them first, and (4) what do they think 
>>> about "none"?
>> https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=106117
> In GCC using no -fexcess-precision is the same than using 
> -fexcess-precision=standard. The patch we are proposing here is implementing 
> this part.  So for  a + b + c, we are generating (_Float16) [((float a) + 
> (float b)) + (float c)]
> In GCC using -fexcess-precision=16 is generating yet another flavor of the 
> operation-by-operation emulation. For the same addition than above, gcc is 
> generating (_Float16) [(float) (_Float16) ((float a) + (float b)) + (float 
> c)]. That's different than our current implementation.
> See https://godbolt.org/z/aM8fzTsj1
> Am I understanding correctly? @pengfei you are interested in the 
> -fexcess-precision=16 part of this right? @rjmccall what do yo think?

As I understand it, `-fexcess-precision=16` is what the current implementation 
(not this patch) does.

I think you have GCC's default wrong.  As documented, their default depends on 
the language mode.  In GNU C modes (e.g. `gnu89`) and C++, the default is 
`-fexcess-precision=fast`, which basically does arbitrary promotion in the 
optimizer / backend without necessarily honoring casts or assignments.  In 
standards-compatible C modes (e.g. `c89`), the default is 
`-fexcess-precision=standard`, which honors casts and assignments as forcing 
the use of semantic precision for that value.  GCC implements 
`-fexcess-precision=standard` the same way this patch does: by directly 
promoting and truncating values in a special emitter in their translation from 
AST to GIMPLE (a vaguely LLVM-like representation).

The three takeaways for me from that GCC thread (and research I did related to 
it) are:

- GCC already has an option to disable excess precision arithmetic, which it 
calls `-fexcess-precision=16`.  So we should at least honor that spelling.  I 
think we could also justify introducing `-fexcess-precision=none` as an alias, 
from what I saw in the discussion.
- We should make sure that we set `FLT_EVAL_METHOD` appropriately in any mode 
that enable excess precision arithmetic.
- We need to make sure that constant evaluation does the same thing that we're 
doing in IRGen, because the C standard requires frontends that use excess 
precision to use at least as much precision in constant evaluation.



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