sammccall added a comment.

In D124447#3608747 <>, @aaron.ballman 

> In general, I think this is looking pretty close to good. Whether clang-tidy 
> should get this functionality in this form or not is a bit less clear to me. 
> *I* think it's helpful functionality and the current approach is reasonable, 
> but I think it might be worthwhile to have a community RFC to see if others 
> agree. CC @alexfh in case he wants to make a code owner decision instead.

+1 to a need for the RFC here, there are ecosystem questions that I think 
should be addressed first but aren't in scope of this patch.
Changing the "plugin signature" of checks in a widely-used plugin system like 
clang-tidy shouldn't be taken lightly.

In particular:

- what is a motivating example of the problem you're solving? (sorry if I 
missed this)
- which checks do you plan to contribute/modify that will make use of this 
- for existing users of clang-tidy that don't adopt the new workflow 
(clang-tidy without `--multipass-phase`, code review systems, clangd and other 
IDEs), how do they interact with such checks?
- will you be maintaining/extending the framework functionality & design 
long-term, or for a particular time span?
- do you have plans for how to deploy this to users? (e.g. running the CLI 
commands by hand, or integration into a code review tool)
- what are the expectations on check owners for understanding/supporting this 
- is this extensible to distributed execution like clang-tidy currently is? 
(this patch appears to assume coordination through a shared local filesystem, 
and "compact" appears to be a large monolithic step)
- what alternative designs were considered?

I really would like to see these addressed in an RFC rather than here - I think 
it will attract wider discussion.
(I'm sure I'll have an opinion, but mostly hoping to flesh out the plan to 
evolve clang-tidy so others can react)

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