owenpan added a comment.

@kwk D134733 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D134733> reminded me of 
https://reviews.llvm.org/D121370#3401173, which I realized didn't go far 
enough. This NFC patch is what I should have suggested to you then. If you want 
to do the cleanup differently, you can either make suggestions here or create 
another NFC patch.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/Format.cpp:2774
-const char CppIncludeRegexPattern[] =
-    R"(^[\t\ ]*#[\t\ ]*(import|include)[^"<]*(["<][^">]*[">]))";
kwk wrote:
> MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> > Did I miss where this comes from now?
> @MyDeveloperDay `clang/lib/Tooling/Inclusions/HeaderIncludes.cpp` still has 
> this:
> ```lang=c++
> const char IncludeRegexPattern[] =
>     R"(^[\t\ ]*#[\t\ ]*(import|include)[^"<]*(["<][^">]*[">]))";
> ```
> And in `clang/lib/Tooling/Inclusions/HeaderIncludes.cpp` @owenpan uses it to 
> initialize the final regex 
> ```lang=c++
> const llvm::Regex HeaderIncludes::IncludeRegex(IncludeRegexPattern); 
> ```
> The fact that we have two regex that are identical is an issue on its own 
> that I tried to address with [my patch](https://reviews.llvm.org/D134733) as 
> well. I didn't initialize the regex like @owenpan does here but I had a 
> function to return it. Eventually a function makes it easier to apply the 
> injection from a config file as you've suggested 
> [here](https://reviews.llvm.org/D134733#3821957). So I favor my solution.
> The fact that we have two regex that are identical is an issue on its own 
> that I tried to address with [my patch](https://reviews.llvm.org/D134733) as 
> well.

It should be addressed in a separate NFC patch such as this one.

> I didn't initialize the regex like @owenpan does here but I had a function to 
> return it. Eventually a function makes it easier to apply the injection from 
> a config file as you've suggested 
> [here](https://reviews.llvm.org/D134733#3821957). So I favor my solution.

Making `IncludeRegex` a public static const member is one of the better 
solutions when `IncludeRegexPattern` is fixed as it has been. If and when we 
decide to support user specified patterns, we will make any necessary changes 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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