kwk added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/Format.cpp:2774
-const char CppIncludeRegexPattern[] =
-    R"(^[\t\ ]*#[\t\ ]*(import|include)[^"<]*(["<][^">]*[">]))";
owenpan wrote:
> kwk wrote:
> > MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> > > Did I miss where this comes from now?
> > @MyDeveloperDay `clang/lib/Tooling/Inclusions/HeaderIncludes.cpp` still has 
> > this:
> > 
> > ```lang=c++
> > const char IncludeRegexPattern[] =
> >     R"(^[\t\ ]*#[\t\ ]*(import|include)[^"<]*(["<][^">]*[">]))";
> > ```
> > 
> > And in `clang/lib/Tooling/Inclusions/HeaderIncludes.cpp` @owenpan uses it 
> > to initialize the final regex 
> > 
> > ```lang=c++
> > const llvm::Regex HeaderIncludes::IncludeRegex(IncludeRegexPattern); 
> > ```
> > 
> > The fact that we have two regex that are identical is an issue on its own 
> > that I tried to address with [my patch]( 
> > as well. I didn't initialize the regex like @owenpan does here but I had a 
> > function to return it. Eventually a function makes it easier to apply the 
> > injection from a config file as you've suggested 
> > [here]( So I favor my solution.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The fact that we have two regex that are identical is an issue on its own 
> > that I tried to address with [my patch]( 
> > as well.
> It should be addressed in a separate NFC patch such as this one.
> > I didn't initialize the regex like @owenpan does here but I had a function 
> > to return it. Eventually a function makes it easier to apply the injection 
> > from a config file as you've suggested 
> > [here]( So I favor my solution.
> Making `IncludeRegex` a public static const member is one of the better 
> solutions when `IncludeRegexPattern` is fixed as it has been. If and when we 
> decide to support user specified patterns, we will make any necessary changes 
> then.
> > The fact that we have two regex that are identical is an issue on its own 
> > that I tried to address with [my patch]( 
> > as well.
> It should be addressed in a separate NFC patch such as this one.

Ehm, I thought I *did* create a separate NFC patch with D134733. I prefixed it 
with `[chore]` but that is as good as NFC. I can rename it if you want.  

> > I didn't initialize the regex like @owenpan does here but I had a function 
> > to return it. Eventually a function makes it easier to apply the injection 
> > from a config file as you've suggested 
> > [here]( So I favor my solution.
> Making `IncludeRegex` a public static const member is one of the better 
> solutions when `IncludeRegexPattern` is fixed as it has been. If and when we 
> decide to support user specified patterns, we will make any necessary changes 
> then.

Okay, but you could have suggested that in D134733, no? I've made the change in 
D134733 here:, so the 
regex is static const. But I've also outsourced the function for accessing the 
include name so the logic is at one place not scattered over and over and the 
trimming is also in its own function. Having everything going through that 
functions is easier for maintenance IMHO. Before I wondered why we had two 
include regex patterns (both the same btw.) and why an include name wasn't 
found when I had changed the `Matches[2]` to `Matches[3]` for example. That 
won't happen when its going through the function. You just change it in one 
place and not "plenty".

I hope we can agree that my change is now complete with additions from yours 
here. I most certainly don't want to disrupt your workflow and I apologize if I 
had. Unfortunately text can be misinterpreted way too much.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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