MaskRay added a comment.

In D143306#4144396 <>, @JonChesterfield 

> So what is this configuration file? Joseph found a Gentoo blog post 
>  and I don't have a clang.cfg file in my install dir

`clang.cfg` is not provided by default. You can create it for your needs. The 
official doc is

> Tests in clang look like it's a text file that you write command line flags 
> into and hopefully clang applies them, so if we write `-Wl, rpath` etc in 
> that text file and successfully distribute it to users, it'll behave 
> identically to setting rpath from clang and fedora will still be unhappy (I 
> don't see how to scope a flag to only -fopenmp, so it might set rpath on 
> every executable clang builds instead of only openmp ones, which will break 
> some applications and fail the rpm build check on all of them)
> I don't see how this helps anything?

It's different. With the current status quo, `-fopenmp-implicit-rpath` is the 
default and affects all distributions which include users adverse to magic 
`DT_RUNPATH` tags.
If you specify `-Wl,-rpath=...` in your build (possibly HPC related), it just 
affects your system, and Fedora and others (like I) won't complain.

`clang -fuse-ld=lld -fopenmp=libgomp -fno-openmp-implicit-rpath a.c -o a`

> I'm trying to work out how this works for libc++ and the like and as far as I 
> can see it doesn't - I think the binaries I've built go looking for libc++ in 
> the system libraries and totally ignore the one built as part of the 
> toolchain. I never noticed this because I statically link everything, am I 
> missing something here?

This is the point. Specifying a driver option to use libc++/libc++abi/libunwind 
doesn't magically change `DT_RUNPATH`. This is exactly the behavior a user 
wants for a system Clang.
It does make users with a non-system Clang inconvenient but that's the point 
that such users should specify rpath by themselves.
openmp should not diverge from libc++/libc++abi/libunwind in this regard.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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