AaronBallman wrote:

> > > According to the spec it's ill-formed, so I'm not sure it falls under any 
> > > sensible category.
> > 
> > 
> > It's an extension we support so it's up to us to decide what sensible is.
> Sure. If we end up putting it in the array category we should probably 
> coordinate with GCC.
> > > For T[0] this returns false.
> > 
> > 
> > Understood, but why is this not the bug to be fixed? (It would also fix the 
> > `takes_an_array` case as well.)
> Because I don't think we can. AFAICT this is valid C++:
> ```c++
> template <unsigned Size, class = int[Size]>
> int func() {
>   return 1;
> }
> template <unsigned Size>
> int func() {
>   return 0;
> }
> ```
> If clang accepted `int[0]` in this context the observable behaviour would 
> change.

Hmm, I think you're right: https://godbolt.org/z/PjGoc3Yob, the 
`static_assert(func<0>() == 0);` case would start to fail to compile, similar 
to the code using `func<1>()`.

This doesn't leave us with good options, does it? :-(

I think we need to consider the following things:

* Should `Ty[0]` and `Ty[]` be handled the same way? (Remember, we support 
`[0]` in structures as a sort of flexible array member and we support flexible 
array members in C++ as an extension.)
* We should probably change the value of `__is_bounded_array` at the same time 
as `__is_array`.
* What should the behavior of `__is_aggregate` be?
* What about other type traits (`__is_compound`, `__is_abstract`, etc)? 
Basically, what's the principle we're using for this type?

> > > We don't use the trait currently in libc++ because of this bug and GCC 
> > > only added it in trunk (and have the same bug), so probably not.
> > 
> > 
> > For example, it seems to be used in Unreal Engine: 
> > https://github.com/windystrife/UnrealEngine_NVIDIAGameWorks/blob/b50e6338a7c5b26374d66306ebc7807541ff815e/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/UnrealTemplate.h#L128
> If you think it's a significant enough change that we should add an ABI tag I 
> can do that.

I don't have a good feeling one way or the other yet, so let's hold off for the 
moment and see what the final scope of the changes are before making a decision.

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