mclow.lists added a comment.

A couple of notes.

- This change means that <regex> now requires C++11 (the new `__push` function 
w/ the varargs).  I don't know how important that is; but I'm pretty sure 
libc++ currently provides `<regex>` in C++03 mode.
- This is an ABI change; existing code that was compiled with the "old" 
`<regex>` implementation will not interoperate with this.
- I think that there may be some exception-safety issues in `__push`; if the 
`push_back` throws, I think we leak.

Comment at: libcxx/include/regex:4642
+  auto __ret = new _NodeType(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+  __storage_.__push(__ret);
Why `auto` here? 

How about `unique_ptr<_NodeType>` instead, and then
    return __ret.release()

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