timshen added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D39308#907424, @mclow.lists wrote:

> A couple of notes.

Sorry for the oversights, when a C++11(-only :) contributor doesn't care about 
ABI stability, nor exceptions, he contributes naive code. :P I'll fix them.

> - This change means that <regex> now requires C++11 (the new `__push` 
> function w/ the varargs).  I don't know how important that is; but I'm pretty 
> sure libc++ currently provides `<regex>` in C++03 mode.
> - This is an ABI change; existing code that was compiled with the "old" 
> `<regex>` implementation will not interoperate with this.

Can you give an example on what would go wrong, while it's not expected to go 

> - I think that there may be some exception-safety issues in `__push`; if the 
> `push_back` throws, I think we leak.


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