ioeric added a comment.

In, @malaperle wrote:

> In, @ioeric wrote:
> > Hi Marc, the patch is not ready for review yet. I am still cleaning up the 
> > prototype and will let you know when it's ready for review.
> I guess it was ready to review since it was submitted? ;)

Sorry! I should've pinged you before landing this. My apologies! I am happy to 
address any comment you have.

Comment at: clangd/index/Index.h:134
+  virtual bool
+  fuzzyFind(Context &Ctx, const FuzzyFindRequest &Req,
+            std::function<void(const Symbol &)> Callback) const = 0;
malaperle wrote:
> I think a more generic std::function would be useful, similar to the 
> indexstore's filter
> ```
> bool searchSymbols(llvm::function_ref<bool(IndexRecordSymbol, bool &stop)> 
> filter,
>                      llvm::function_ref<void(IndexRecordSymbol)> receiver)
> ```
Do you have an use case in mind which requires different filtering? This could 
probably be a separate interface. 

I think the behavior of fuzzy finding is well-defined, and how filtering is 
done is an implementation detail. User-specified filter might make 
implementation less flexible, especially for large indexes that are not managed 
in memory. 

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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