a.sidorin updated this revision to Diff 141537.
a.sidorin added a comment.

Rebase to the latest master; add a suggestion from Adam Balogh (thanks!).

  rC Clang



Index: unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp
--- unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp
+++ unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp
@@ -20,10 +20,15 @@
 #include "DeclMatcher.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
 namespace clang {
 namespace ast_matchers {
+using internal::Matcher;
+using internal::BindableMatcher;
+using llvm::StringMap;
 typedef std::vector<std::string> ArgVector;
 typedef std::vector<ArgVector> RunOptions;
@@ -70,22 +75,61 @@
 // Creates a virtual file and assigns that to the context of given AST. If the
 // file already exists then the file will not be created again as a duplicate.
-static void createVirtualFileIfNeeded(ASTUnit *ToAST, StringRef FileName,
-                                      const std::string &Code) {
+static void
+createVirtualFileIfNeeded(ASTUnit *ToAST, StringRef FileName,
+                          std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> &&Buffer) {
   ASTContext &ToCtx = ToAST->getASTContext();
   auto *OFS = static_cast<vfs::OverlayFileSystem *>(
   auto *MFS =
       static_cast<vfs::InMemoryFileSystem *>(OFS->overlays_begin()->get());
-  MFS->addFile(FileName, 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Code.c_str()));
+  MFS->addFile(FileName, 0, std::move(Buffer));
+static void createVirtualFileIfNeeded(ASTUnit *ToAST, StringRef FileName,
+                                      const std::string &Code) {
+  return createVirtualFileIfNeeded(
+      ToAST, FileName, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Code.c_str()));
-template<typename NodeType, typename MatcherType>
+template <typename NodeType>
+NodeType importNode(ASTUnit *From, ASTUnit *To, ASTImporter &Importer,
+                    NodeType Node) {
+  ASTContext &ToCtx = To->getASTContext();
+  // Add 'From' file to virtual file system so importer can 'find' it
+  // while importing SourceLocations. It is safe to add same file multiple
+  // times - it just isn't replaced.
+  StringRef FromFileName = From->getMainFileName();
+  createVirtualFileIfNeeded(To, FromFileName,
+                            From->getBufferForFile(FromFileName));
+  auto Imported = Importer.Import(Node);
+  // This should dump source locations and assert if some source locations
+  // were not imported.
+  SmallString<1024> ImportChecker;
+  llvm::raw_svector_ostream ToNothing(ImportChecker);
+  ToCtx.getTranslationUnitDecl()->print(ToNothing);
+  // This traverses the AST to catch certain bugs like poorly or not
+  // implemented subtrees.
+  Imported->dump(ToNothing);
+  return Imported;
+const StringRef DeclToImportID = "declToImport";
+const StringRef DeclToVerifyID = "declToVerify";
+template <typename NodeType>
 testImport(const std::string &FromCode, const ArgVector &FromArgs,
            const std::string &ToCode, const ArgVector &ToArgs,
-           MatchVerifier<NodeType> &Verifier, const MatcherType &AMatcher) {
+           MatchVerifier<NodeType> &Verifier,
+           const BindableMatcher<NodeType> &SearchMatcher,
+           const BindableMatcher<NodeType> &VerificationMatcher) {
   const char *const InputFileName = "input.cc";
   const char *const OutputFileName = "output.cc";
@@ -97,46 +141,47 @@
   ASTContext &FromCtx = FromAST->getASTContext(),
       &ToCtx = ToAST->getASTContext();
-  // Add input.cc to virtual file system so importer can 'find' it
-  // while importing SourceLocations.
-  createVirtualFileIfNeeded(ToAST.get(), InputFileName, FromCode);
   ASTImporter Importer(ToCtx, ToAST->getFileManager(),
                        FromCtx, FromAST->getFileManager(), false);
-  IdentifierInfo *ImportedII = &FromCtx.Idents.get("declToImport");
-  assert(ImportedII && "Declaration with 'declToImport' name"
-                       "should be specified in test!");
-  DeclarationName ImportDeclName(ImportedII);
-  SmallVector<NamedDecl *, 4> FoundDecls;
-  FromCtx.getTranslationUnitDecl()->localUncachedLookup(
-        ImportDeclName, FoundDecls);
+  auto FoundNodes = match(SearchMatcher, FromCtx);
+  if (FoundNodes.size() != 1)
+    return testing::AssertionFailure()
+           << "Multiple potential nodes were found!";
-  if (FoundDecls.size() != 1)
-    return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Multiple declarations were found!";
+  auto ToImport = selectFirst<NodeType>(DeclToImportID, FoundNodes);
+  if (!ToImport)
+    return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Node type mismatch!";
   // Sanity check: the node being imported should match in the same way as
   // the result node.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(Verifier.match(FoundDecls.front(), AMatcher));
+  BindableMatcher<NodeType> WrapperMatcher(VerificationMatcher);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Verifier.match(ToImport, WrapperMatcher));
-  auto Imported = Importer.Import(FoundDecls.front());
+  auto Imported = importNode(FromAST.get(), ToAST.get(), Importer, ToImport);
   if (!Imported)
     return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Import failed, nullptr returned!";
-  // This should dump source locations and assert if some source locations
-  // were not imported.
-  SmallString<1024> ImportChecker;
-  llvm::raw_svector_ostream ToNothing(ImportChecker);
-  ToCtx.getTranslationUnitDecl()->print(ToNothing);
-  // This traverses the AST to catch certain bugs like poorly or not
-  // implemented subtrees.
-  Imported->dump(ToNothing);
-  return Verifier.match(Imported, AMatcher);
+  return Verifier.match(Imported, WrapperMatcher);
-template<typename NodeType, typename MatcherType>
+template <typename NodeType>
+testImport(const std::string &FromCode, const ArgVector &FromArgs,
+           const std::string &ToCode, const ArgVector &ToArgs,
+           MatchVerifier<NodeType> &Verifier,
+           const BindableMatcher<NodeType> &VerificationMatcher) {
+  return testImport(
+      FromCode, FromArgs, ToCode, ToArgs, Verifier,
+      translationUnitDecl(
+          has(namedDecl(hasName(DeclToImportID)).bind(DeclToImportID))),
+      VerificationMatcher);
+/// Test how AST node named "declToImport" located in the translation unit
+/// of "FromCode" virtual file is imported to "ToCode" virtual file.
+/// The verification is done by running AMatcher over the imported node.
+template <typename NodeType, typename MatcherType>
 void testImport(const std::string &FromCode, Language FromLang,
                 const std::string &ToCode, Language ToLang,
                 MatchVerifier<NodeType> &Verifier,
@@ -149,8 +194,6 @@
                              Verifier, AMatcher));
-const StringRef DeclToImportID = "declToImport";
 // This class provides generic methods to write tests which can check internal
 // attributes of AST nodes like getPreviousDecl(), isVirtual(), etc.  Also,
 // this fixture makes it possible to import from several "From" contexts.
@@ -297,16 +340,124 @@
-AST_MATCHER_P(RecordDecl, hasFieldOrder, std::vector<StringRef>, Order) {
-  size_t Index = 0;
-  for (FieldDecl *Field : Node.fields()) {
-    if (Index == Order.size())
-      return false;
-    if (Field->getName() != Order[Index])
-      return false;
-    ++Index;
+struct ImportAction {
+  StringRef FromFilename;
+  StringRef ToFilename;
+  // FIXME: Generalize this to support other node kinds.
+  BindableMatcher<Decl> ImportPredicate;
+  ImportAction(StringRef FromFilename, StringRef ToFilename,
+               DeclarationMatcher ImportPredicate)
+      : FromFilename(FromFilename), ToFilename(ToFilename),
+        ImportPredicate(ImportPredicate) {}
+  ImportAction(StringRef FromFilename, StringRef ToFilename,
+               const std::string &DeclName)
+      : FromFilename(FromFilename), ToFilename(ToFilename),
+        ImportPredicate(namedDecl(hasName(DeclName))) {}
+using SingleASTUnitForAllOpts = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit>>;
+using AllASTUnitsForAllOpts = StringMap<SingleASTUnitForAllOpts>;
+struct CodeEntry {
+  std::string CodeSample;
+  Language Lang;
+  /// Builds N copies of ASTUnits for each potential compile options set
+  /// for further import actions. N is equal to size of this option set.
+  SingleASTUnitForAllOpts createASTUnits(StringRef FileName) const {
+    auto RunOpts = getRunOptionsForLanguage(Lang);
+    size_t NumOpts = RunOpts.size();
+    SingleASTUnitForAllOpts ResultASTs(NumOpts);
+    for (size_t CompileOpt = 0; CompileOpt < NumOpts; ++CompileOpt) {
+      auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(
+          CodeSample, RunOpts[CompileOpt], FileName);
+      EXPECT_TRUE(AST.get());
+      ResultASTs[CompileOpt] = std::move(AST);
+    }
+    return ResultASTs;
+  }
+using CodeFiles = StringMap<CodeEntry>;
+/// Test an arbitrary sequence of imports for a set of given in-memory files.
+/// The verification is done by running VerificationMatcher against a specified
+/// AST node inside of one of given files.
+/// \param CodeSamples Map whose key is the file name and the value is the file
+/// content.
+/// \param ImportActions Sequence of imports. Each import in sequence
+/// specifies "from file" and "to file" and a matcher that is used for
+/// searching a declaration for import in "from file".
+/// \param FileForFinalCheck Name of virtual file for which the final check is
+/// applied.
+/// \param FinalSelectPredicate Matcher that specifies the AST node in the
+/// FileForFinalCheck for which the verification will be done.
+/// \param VerificationMatcher Matcher that will be used for verification after
+/// all imports in sequence are done.
+void testImportSequence(const CodeFiles &CodeSamples,
+                        const std::vector<ImportAction> &ImportActions,
+                        StringRef FileForFinalCheck,
+                        BindableMatcher<Decl> FinalSelectPredicate,
+                        BindableMatcher<Decl> VerificationMatcher) {
+  AllASTUnitsForAllOpts AllASTUnits;
+  StringMap<bool> BuiltASTs;
+  using ImporterKey = std::pair<const ASTUnit *, const ASTUnit *>;
+  llvm::DenseMap<ImporterKey, std::unique_ptr<ASTImporter>> Importers;
+  auto GenASTsIfNeeded = [&AllASTUnits, &BuiltASTs,
+                          &CodeSamples](StringRef Filename) {
+    if (BuiltASTs.find(Filename) == BuiltASTs.end()) {
+      auto Found = CodeSamples.find(Filename);
+      assert(Found != CodeSamples.end() && "Wrong file for import!");
+      AllASTUnits[Filename] = Found->getValue().createASTUnits(Filename);
+      BuiltASTs[Filename] = true;
+    }
+  };
+  size_t NumCompileOpts = 0;
+  for (const ImportAction &Action : ImportActions) {
+    StringRef FromFile = Action.FromFilename, ToFile = Action.ToFilename;
+    GenASTsIfNeeded(FromFile);
+    GenASTsIfNeeded(ToFile);
+    NumCompileOpts = AllASTUnits[FromFile].size();
+    for (size_t CompileOpt = 0; CompileOpt < NumCompileOpts; ++CompileOpt) {
+      ASTUnit *From = AllASTUnits[FromFile][CompileOpt].get();
+      ASTUnit *To = AllASTUnits[ToFile][CompileOpt].get();
+      // Create a new importer if needed.
+      std::unique_ptr<ASTImporter> &ImporterRef = Importers[{From, To}];
+      if (!ImporterRef)
+        ImporterRef.reset(new ASTImporter(
+            To->getASTContext(), To->getFileManager(), From->getASTContext(),
+            From->getFileManager(), false));
+      // Find the declaration and import it.
+      auto FoundDecl = match(Action.ImportPredicate.bind(DeclToImportID),
+                             From->getASTContext());
+      EXPECT_TRUE(FoundDecl.size() == 1);
+      const Decl *ToImport = selectFirst<Decl>(DeclToImportID, FoundDecl);
+      auto Imported = importNode(From, To, *ImporterRef, ToImport);
+      EXPECT_TRUE(Imported);
+    }
+  }
+  // NOTE: We don't do cross-option import check here due to fast growth of
+  // potential option sets.
+  for (size_t CompileOpt = 0; CompileOpt < NumCompileOpts; ++CompileOpt) {
+    // Find the declaration and import it.
+    auto FoundDecl =
+        match(FinalSelectPredicate.bind(DeclToVerifyID),
+              AllASTUnits[FileForFinalCheck][CompileOpt]->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(FoundDecl.size() == 1);
+    const Decl *ToVerify = selectFirst<Decl>(DeclToVerifyID, FoundDecl);
+    MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(Verifier.match(ToVerify,
+                               BindableMatcher<Decl>(VerificationMatcher)));
-  return Index == Order.size();
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportStringLiteral) {
@@ -1127,6 +1278,18 @@
       MatchVerifier<Decl>{}.match(To->getTranslationUnitDecl(), Pattern));
+AST_MATCHER_P(RecordDecl, hasFieldOrder, std::vector<StringRef>, Order) {
+  size_t Index = 0;
+  for (FieldDecl *Field : Node.fields()) {
+    if (Index == Order.size())
+      return false;
+    if (Field->getName() != Order[Index])
+      return false;
+    ++Index;
+  }
+  return Index == Order.size();
        TUshouldContainClassTemplateSpecializationOfExplicitInstantiation) {
   Decl *From, *To;
@@ -1503,5 +1666,51 @@
     ParameterizedTests, ImportFunctions,
     ::testing::Values(ArgVector(), ArgVector{"-fdelayed-template-parsing"}),);
+AST_MATCHER_P(TagDecl, hasTypedefForAnonDecl, Matcher<TypedefNameDecl>,
+              InnerMatcher) {
+  if (auto *Typedef = Node.getTypedefNameForAnonDecl())
+    return InnerMatcher.matches(*Typedef, Finder, Builder);
+  return false;
+TEST(ImportDecl, ImportEnumSequential) {
+  CodeFiles Samples{{"main.c",
+                     {"void foo();"
+                      "void moo();"
+                      "int main() { foo(); moo();}",
+                      Lang_C}},
+                    {"foo.c",
+                     {"typedef enum { THING_VALUE } thing_t;"
+                      "void conflict(thing_t type);"
+                      "void foo() { (void)THING_VALUE; }"
+                      "void conflict(thing_t type) {}",
+                      Lang_C}},
+                    {"moo.c",
+                     {"typedef enum { THING_VALUE } thing_t;"
+                      "void conflict(thing_t type);"
+                      "void moo() { conflict(THING_VALUE); }",
+                      Lang_C}}};
+  auto VerificationMatcher =
+      enumDecl(has(enumConstantDecl(hasName("THING_VALUE"))),
+               hasTypedefForAnonDecl(hasName("thing_t")));
+  ImportAction ImportFoo{"foo.c", "main.c", functionDecl(hasName("foo"))},
+      ImportMoo{"moo.c", "main.c", functionDecl(hasName("moo"))};
+  testImportSequence(
+      Samples, {ImportFoo, ImportMoo}, // "foo", them "moo".
+      // Just check that there is only one enum decl in the result AST.
+      "main.c", enumDecl(), VerificationMatcher);
+  // For different import order, result should be the same.
+  testImportSequence(
+      Samples, {ImportMoo, ImportFoo}, // "moo", them "foo".
+      // Check that there is only one enum decl in the result AST.
+      "main.c", enumDecl(), VerificationMatcher);
 } // end namespace ast_matchers
 } // end namespace clang
Index: test/Analysis/ctu-main.cpp
--- test/Analysis/ctu-main.cpp
+++ test/Analysis/ctu-main.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 int chf1(int x);
+int fun_using_anon_struct(int);
 int main() {
   clang_analyzer_eval(f(3) == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
   clang_analyzer_eval(f(4) == 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
@@ -55,4 +57,5 @@
   clang_analyzer_eval(mycls::embed_cls2().fecl2(0) == -11); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
   clang_analyzer_eval(chns::chf1(4) == 12); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(fun_using_anon_struct(8) == 8); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
Index: test/Analysis/Inputs/externalFnMap.txt
--- test/Analysis/Inputs/externalFnMap.txt
+++ test/Analysis/Inputs/externalFnMap.txt
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
 c:@F@h_chain#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
 c:@N@chns@S@chcls@F@chf4#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
 c:@N@chns@F@chf2#I# ctu-chain.cpp.ast
+c:@F@fun_using_anon_struct#I# ctu-other.cpp.ast
Index: test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp
--- test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp
+++ test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp
@@ -65,3 +65,6 @@
   return chf2(x);
+typedef struct { int n; } Anonymous;
+int fun_using_anon_struct(int n) { Anonymous anon; anon.n = n; return anon.n; }
Index: lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
--- lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
@@ -1046,6 +1046,17 @@
+static void setTypedefNameForAnonDecl(TagDecl *From, TagDecl *To,
+                               ASTImporter &Importer) {
+  if (TypedefNameDecl *FromTypedef = From->getTypedefNameForAnonDecl()) {
+    auto *ToTypedef =
+      cast_or_null<TypedefNameDecl>(Importer.Import(FromTypedef));
+    assert (ToTypedef && "Failed to import typedef of an anonymous structure");
+    To->setTypedefNameForAnonDecl(ToTypedef);
+  }
 bool ASTNodeImporter::ImportDefinition(RecordDecl *From, RecordDecl *To, 
                                        ImportDefinitionKind Kind) {
   if (To->getDefinition() || To->isBeingDefined()) {
@@ -1056,6 +1067,8 @@
+  setTypedefNameForAnonDecl(From, To, Importer);
   // Add base classes.
   if (CXXRecordDecl *ToCXX = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(To)) {
@@ -1187,6 +1200,8 @@
+  setTypedefNameForAnonDecl(From, To, Importer);
   QualType T = Importer.Import(Importer.getFromContext().getTypeDeclType(From));
   if (T.isNull())
     return true;
@@ -1668,6 +1683,11 @@
   if (T.isNull())
     return nullptr;
+  // Some nodes (like anonymous tags referred by typedefs) are allowed to
+  // import their enclosing typedef directly. Check if this is the case.
+  if (Decl *AlreadyImported = Importer.GetAlreadyImportedOrNull(D))
+    return AlreadyImported;
   // Create the new typedef node.
   TypeSourceInfo *TInfo = Importer.Import(D->getTypeSourceInfo());
   SourceLocation StartL = Importer.Import(D->getLocStart());
@@ -6574,29 +6594,7 @@
   // Record the imported declaration.
   ImportedDecls[FromD] = ToD;
-  if (TagDecl *FromTag = dyn_cast<TagDecl>(FromD)) {
-    // Keep track of anonymous tags that have an associated typedef.
-    if (FromTag->getTypedefNameForAnonDecl())
-      AnonTagsWithPendingTypedefs.push_back(FromTag);
-  } else if (TypedefNameDecl *FromTypedef = dyn_cast<TypedefNameDecl>(FromD)) {
-    // When we've finished transforming a typedef, see whether it was the
-    // typedef for an anonymous tag.
-    for (SmallVectorImpl<TagDecl *>::iterator
-               FromTag = AnonTagsWithPendingTypedefs.begin(), 
-            FromTagEnd = AnonTagsWithPendingTypedefs.end();
-         FromTag != FromTagEnd; ++FromTag) {
-      if ((*FromTag)->getTypedefNameForAnonDecl() == FromTypedef) {
-        if (TagDecl *ToTag = cast_or_null<TagDecl>(Import(*FromTag))) {
-          // We found the typedef for an anonymous tag; link them.
-          ToTag->setTypedefNameForAnonDecl(cast<TypedefNameDecl>(ToD));
-          AnonTagsWithPendingTypedefs.erase(FromTag);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
   return ToD;
Index: include/clang/AST/ASTImporter.h
--- include/clang/AST/ASTImporter.h
+++ include/clang/AST/ASTImporter.h
@@ -76,10 +76,6 @@
     ///  the "from" source manager to the corresponding CXXBasesSpecifier
     ///  in the "to" source manager.
     ImportedCXXBaseSpecifierMap ImportedCXXBaseSpecifiers;
-    /// \brief Imported, anonymous tag declarations that are missing their 
-    /// corresponding typedefs.
-    SmallVector<TagDecl *, 4> AnonTagsWithPendingTypedefs;
     /// \brief Declaration (from, to) pairs that are known not to be equivalent
     /// (which we have already complained about).
@@ -129,6 +125,9 @@
     /// \returns the equivalent declaration in the "to" context, or a NULL type 
     /// if an error occurred.
     Decl *Import(Decl *FromD);
+    Decl *Import(const Decl *FromD) {
+      return Import(const_cast<Decl *>(FromD));
+    }
     /// \brief Return the copy of the given declaration in the "to" context if
     /// it has already been imported from the "from" context.  Otherwise return
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