Hey everybody,

I don't know if anyone here remembers me, but I am the one who gave the CGI::Application talk last summer. I have been lurking on this list ever since.

I would like to submit a talk for YAPC::NA about Titanium and how/when to use it. I have several questions for all of you:

1. Would you rather give the talk? I don't want to step on anyone's toes. I am not an author/contributor to CGI::App, so I am not the *most* qualified person to talk, but I am not afraid of standing in front of people and sharing what I know. If you really want to be the one to present your module(s), I will gladly step back and allow you the opportunity.

2. Assuming no one else wants to give the talk(s), what things would you like to see covered in the talk? I would prefer to keep it aimed at a beginner/intermediate audience. I plan to cover Module::Starter::CGIApp, and the basic CGI::App/Titanium framework, and possibly tying in a database handle like I did in my YAPC08 talk.

Thank you for your time, both in answering my questions, and on CGI::Application.

Leonard Miller

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