On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Mike Tonks <fluffym...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for this Mark.
> I am about to embark on an upgrade from vanilla CGI::App to either
> mod_perl or FastCGI and will read this with interest.
> Given we are using a dedicated server and just want things to run as
> fast as possible, is there anything to choose between the two?  Seems
> like more people have mentioned FastCGI here recently than mod_perl?

Well, one thing I like about FastCGI over mod_perl is that your Perl
program can't crash the apache web server with it, since it runs as a
separate process.  If you have a dedicated server with only one
program running on it, this won't matter -- whether just your app goes
down or your server goes down with it, the app is unavailable to the
end user.

I suggest setting up both environments on the server, then test for
speed, stability, etc.
-- Mark

>> When playing with Fast-CGI a while ago, I used DBI->connect_cached()
>> in my call to dbh_config() to get cached DB connections under
>> Fast-CGI, as described here:
>> https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AY-OcCA2-lySZGQzNjNmZzlfNzdnYjRoZGg3Yg&hl=en#FastCGI_8880821961767984

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