On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Michael Peters <mpet...@plusthree.com> wrote:
> On 10/04/2010 05:13 PM, ĵohn sayļør wrote:
>> i think you have to do this programmatically by examining the characters
>> in the file. there may be libraries to do this already somewhere, but i
>> have exerted no effort to find them.
> It's not 100% (it can't be when you don't know the encoding) but you can
> use something like Encode::Guess or Text::GuessEncoding.

Still not a 100% solution, but you can also check the BOM:


If it's there, use it... else, move on to guessing, and fall back to
utf8 (or ascii, and barf all over if something is out of range).
Josh I.

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