This week at Change we will be hosting Dr Grace John-Stewart from the UW
Department of Global Health.

Dr. John-Stewart trained as an internist and pediatrician prior to
specializing in infectious diseases, and received a PhD in epidemiology.
Her research is focused on international HIV-1 studies, primarily based in
Kenya. These include studies of transmission, prevention, clinical
epidemiology, clinical trials, and molecular epidemiology. She is currently
the Director of the CFAR International Core, Kenya Research Program, and UW
Global Center for Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents and Children
(Global WACh). Dr. John-Stewart received the Elizabeth Glaser Scientist
Award, has mentored over 60 students/fellows, received a K24 Mentorship
Award, was nominated for the UW post-doctoral mentorship award and received
a UW School of Medicine mentorship award.

 What: Dr Grace John-Stewart

When: Thursday, May 10 at 12 noon

Where: The Allen Center, room CSE 203
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