Rural communities are often underserved by the mainstream media. While
there is a public discourse surrounding the issues they face, this dialogue
typically takes place on television, in newspaper editorials, and on the
Internet. Unfortunately, participation in such forums is limited to the
most privileged members of society, excluding those individuals who have
the largest stake in the conversation. For several years, our group has
worked to foster a more inclusive dialogue by means of a simple
technology:  an interactive voice forum.  Our system enables anyone with
access to a mobile phone to call and record messages of local interest, and
to listen to messages that others have recorded. Messages are also posted
on the Internet, as a supplement to an existing discussion forum.

Our deployments in India and Somaliland have logged over 150,000 phone
calls and published over 2,500 messages.  Recordings have had a documented
impact on the livelihoods of end users, as well as policymakers and members
of the media.  To enable other organizations to replicate our systems, we
have released IVR Junction, an open-source platform for building voice
forums.  We are currently in touch with over 20 organizations around the
world who want to use IVR Junction in local contexts. In this talk, we will
describe our experience across these projects, as well as future
opportunities for civic-oriented social platforms in the developing world.

Aditya Vashistha works in the Technology for Emerging Markets group at
Microsoft Research where he designs and builds technologies for underserved
rural and urban communities to improve their access to information,
healthcare and education. His research interests are at the intersection of
Human-Computer Interaction, and Information and Communication Technologies
for Development. He is investigating how Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
systems can be used for providing information to and collecting data from
marginalized communities. Some of his current research projects (IVR
Junction <>, Talent
attempts to make IVR systems more usable, crowd-centric, sustainable and
integrated with Internet.

What: Aditya Vashistha on Building and Deploying Voice Forums for
Information Access and Transparency

When: Tuesday, March 5th at 12 noon

Where: The Allen Center, room CSE 203
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