
We invite you to the next session of the X4D Talks
on December 15th 1600PST/16th 0530IST to be hosted by *Kurtis Heimerl*
(Assistant Professor, University of Washington). Our speakers include the

*Shaddi Hassan*
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech, USA
*When Community Meets Commercial*
Community networks are often positioned in contrast, or even opposition, to
“traditional” commercial networks. In this talk, I will present experiences
from developing and implementing systems that attempt to facilitate
cooperation between community networks, small-scale ISPs, and commercial
mobile operators. These deployments illustrate the tensions and
opportunities that exist for these different models of network operation to
complement and learn from each other.

*Josephine Dionisio*
Associate Professor, University of the Philippines
*Village Base Station Project*
I will share insights from the Village Base Station Project in the
Philippines. Our experiences in project implementation reiterate the point
that community networks require a corresponding social infrastructure. Its
promise as a form of inclusive technology at a scaled-up level may be best
realized when the technology package and research design pay more careful
attention to appropriate and participatory community organizing approaches.

*Kanchana Kanchanasut*
Nisarat Tansakul and Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee Internet Education and
Research Lab, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
*Smart Village with TakNet*
In this talk, we will briefly introduce a community network, TakNet, in
Thailand. The network was physically set up by student volunteers in 2013
and is now operating by the community with technical support from a
research lab, intERLab/AIT. In recent years, TakNet is moving towards smart
village with environmental monitoring using IoT (HAZEMON) and distributed
ledger services for the community (BaangPun). WIth IoT and distributed
ledger infrastructure implanted, exciting applications are expected to

*Mark Buell *(Regional Vice President, North America)
*Jane Coffin *(Senior Vice President, Internet Growth)
Internet Society
*Human networks: the key to successful community networks*
Community networks are a viable connectivity alternative to traditional
networks where a market-based solution may not be possible. Often, they are
best suited to small, very rural or remote communities – places in the
world where community members may be skeptical of outsiders. Partnerships
built on mutual trust is crucial to ensure successful, sustainable
community networks. In this talk, we will discuss how the Internet Society
works to build that trust and creates networks of support, from Indigenous
communities in North America to rural Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

*When: *December 15th 1600PST/16th 0530IST

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