Hi guys,

  In the last few months we have done a quite big job with the
  upcoming new version of Cherokee. There are many changes and new
  features that have been living in trunk for quite long time and
  should begin to get some testing.

  So far, we have gotten a new disrlist handler with themes support, a
  brand new configuration architecture (finally we got ride of Yacc
  and Lex!), auto-configurable plug-ins, balancers support, a new
  reverse proxy handler and also new LDAP and MySQL validator modules,
  among others goodies.

  So, even if there is still quite a big work ahead to be done before
  we can release 0.6.0, I think it well worth testing these early
  pre-releases. I've uploaded the first one to:


  There is no need to say that this code should never be used in a
  production environment. These pre-releases are meant to be used only
  by brave and intrepid beta testers. ;-)

  BTW, don't hesitate to send your feedback.


Greetings, alo.
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