Hello List,

I have a question concerning the usage of the redirection handler in cherokee. I know that it works quite well with redirecting subdirectories to another - possible external - address using the URL directive. However, I still seem to need a directory configuration above including a document root and directory index.

As a matter of fact, I have a domain where I have several subdomains for each project. Now from time to time, whenever a project gets more attention, it might get its own domain. However, the domain should just be redirected to the subdomain. I can archieve this using the following:

Server domain123.de {
        DocumentRoot /var/www/domain123.de
        DirectoryIndex index.html
        Directory / {
                Handler redir {
                        URL http://sub.domain456.de

However, this configuration has a lot of unneeded lines in it. Wouldn't it be more simple to have a single redirect configuration like:

Server domain123.de {
        Handler redir {
                URL http://sub.domain456.de

With my current cherokee version this does not seem to work. Additionally I didn't find any information about this in the wiki. So if I've missed something, please let me know.



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