On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:58 AM, Shawn Rutledge
<shawn.t.rutle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/6/09, Shawn Rutledge <shawn.t.rutle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now by reading the source I've discovered ##sys#unbound-in-eval.  I
>>  guess I can get the unbound variable name from there (and expect it to
>>  break some day) unless somebody has a better idea...
> But ##sys#unbound-in-eval is defined only when eval'ing, not for
> compiled code, and not even when I put the test code into a file and
> "csi file.scm".
> (use lolevel)
> (define (handler . args) (printf "something called with ~a; unbound
> ~a~%" args ##sys#unbound-in-eval))
> (unbound-variable-value handler)
> (x 3)
> (x y 3 6)

##sys#unbound-in-eval is only for error-reporting - it
records unbound variable while preparing s-expression
for interpretation, so it has no direct relation to the unbound-variable-value


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