On Nov 20, 2012, at 11:24 AM, John Magolske wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed the chickadee, chicken-doc & chicken-doc-admin eggs on
> my laptop and am now enjoying being able to browse the documentation
> while not connected to the internet. The svn repository downloaded in
> the process:
>  % cd /home/john/.chicken/doc
>  % svn co --username anonymous --password "" 
> http://code.call-cc.org/svn/chicken-eggs/wiki
> has info in it that I'm not seeing with chickadee. For example,
> I can find the source of http://wiki.call-cc.org/vim here:
> /home/john/.chicken/doc/wiki/vim , but can't find that page with
> chickadee.

chickadee is an egg and man page browser, not a full wiki replacement; it takes 
the wiki pages from eggref/4 and man/4 and maps them into its own node space.  
So you can't really browse the entire wiki with chickadee.

However, chicken-doc-admin does let you insert arbitrary svnwiki documents 
anywhere in the node tree.  Or at least it was designed to originally, but this 
is rarely used now.  But we can still abuse this functionality to put the 
top-level wiki documents under node "wiki".

# Parse all top-level pages in wiki dir and place them under chicken-doc node 
# Massage the node names a bit.
cd wiki            # this is the top-level of your checkout
find . -depth 1 -type f | cut -c3- |
 while read file; do
  chicken-doc-admin -E "$file" wiki \
     "$(echo $file | tr ' ' '-' | tr -d ',' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"

# Create a dummy wiki node page merely so we can navigate to it in chickadee
# and see the contents:
echo '== wiki pages' > /tmp/wiki
chicken-doc-admin -M /tmp/wiki wiki

# Examples
chicken-doc -c wiki               # list wiki contents at command line
chicken-doc wiki vim              # view /vim page
open http://localhost:8080/chickadee/wiki        # show wiki contents in 
open http://localhost:8080/chickadee/wiki/vim    # show vim page

This is kind of silly and definitely unsupported, and has major problems such 
as busted intra-wiki links.  On the plus side, it's formatted a little nicer 
than plain text.


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