On Dec 13, 2012, at 1:47 AM, John Magolske wrote:

> Thanks for writing up these explanations & options, Jim. I was going
> to give your suggestions a try, but wanting to keep intra-wiki links
> working and also wanting to learn how to use qwiki for other purposes,
> I finally set aside some time and figured out how to set up qwiki.
> Below are notes on how I got things running on my laptop. This is on
> Debian Sid, with Chicken 4.8.0 installed from call-cc.org.

I think this would be a nice candidate for inclusion in the wiki,
maybe in /qwiki-installation, or something.

> A few questions:
> - I'm not so familiar with subversion... will `svn update wiki`
> provide a relatively bandwidth-efficient / server-friendly way of
> keeping my local version of the repository up-to-date?

Yes, that is the most efficient way and it's also the way to keep
chicken-doc up to date.

> - Some intra-wiki links are absolute, for example under /wiki/menu
> there's [[http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggs|Eggs]] which I changed to
> [[eggs|Eggs]] so as to be able to navigate to it offline. I'm thinking
> of writing a script to go through my local repository and convert all
> absolute wiki.call.cc.org urls to relative. Is there a reason they
> were input as absolute?

They should not need to be absolute URLs, in that the hostname is not
required, but they may need to be absolute paths.  As you might expect,
links without a leading slash refer to pages at the same level.  That's
the case for many inter-wiki links as they are interlinked toplevel
pages or interlinked eggs.  However, you need an absolute path when
linking between egg, user, and toplevel pages.  If using a script,
it's definitely easiest and safest to change
[[http://wiki.call-cc.org/path/to/foo|foo]] into [[/path/to/foo|foo]],
rather than figuring out the relative URL, even if the relative one
is nicer like [[foo]].  This should be enough for your purposes.
Optionally, another script can go back and change absolute paths
to relative ones, which will catch existing things like
eggs which redundantly link to [[/eggref/4/foo]] instead of [[foo]].

It might be useful to make this change to the main repository, i.e.
sub [[http://wiki.call-cc.org/ => [[/.  Anybody see a problem with this?

> Anyhow, now between being able to run Chickadee and the Chicken wiki
> offline plus having the mailing list archived locally & searchable
> with mairix, I have access to a ton of great Chicken resources without
> needing to remain tethered to the net all the time. A big thanks
> to everyone who contributes to making Chicken and all its great
> documentation.

Thank *you* for contributing.


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