> Hello to another freeshell user :),

Ahoi! (: Freeshell i quite something! (: 
> Just a part of an answer,

> Most Lispy stuff is heavilty biased towards Emacs I'm afraid. Not a
> problem for people that like Emacs, like me, but using
> anything else can often feel like paddling against the current.

It is not that I am totally against emacs, but I must confess that learning
the myriad of cryptic commands would seriously strain my patience. Mind you,
I am writing this on Mutt/Freeshell now, which is using emacs. As such, I
have to state that I have no trouble using the basic functionality of the
editor. It just should not be too cryptic..

> Except for the data structure thing, what else are you missing or isn't
> working in your current set-up?

Sublime Text 2 / REPL is working quite nicely. But of course, having
something like LightTable / well configured emacs system might be better. 

Btw, is there any chance to integrate Chicken into LightTable? 

> Maybe the Emacs Starters Kit is something for you:
> https://eschulte.github.io/emacs24-starter-kit/ there is no easy Windows
> bases installer I'm afraid.

I have to see. I am not a computer scientist, but that does not mean I fail
to compile it. 

Thank you very much for this recommendation. 

All the best, 


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