Welcome to Chicken!

On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 6:11 PM, fedekun <fedekil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also, I have one question: What's a good site for CHICKEN Scheme reference?

http://api.call-cc.org/doc/  is the canonical documentation site. You can
also set up your local doc server (which will give you essentially the same
thing as that URL), if you need offline access. Look for the 'chickadee'

Also, I glanced at your code; I noticed you were using various (declare
(unit ...)) and (declare (uses ...)) declarations. As I understand it,
those declarations may or may not be formally deprecated, but they are not
much used any more; the general practice these days is to use modules
rather than units. Though there are others on this list with much more
expertise than I, who might tell you differently.

Matt Gushee
Chicken-users mailing list

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