On 1/5/23 06:11, siiky wrote:
I think the easiest way for this would be to just zip the list together:

      (transduce list-fold
                   (zip-list lst2)
                   (filter (lambda (p)
                             (even? (* (car p) (cdr p))))))

For one, that's not the same code. :p The SRFI 42 code I showed loops over all possible pairs, doesn't zip the inputs.

But the biggest problem with zipping like that, is that then the transducer abstraction breaks -- zip has to be implemented for each input data structure _pair_(?). With SRFI 42 I could also do this:

(list-ec (:list x lst)
         (:vector y vec)
         (if (even? (* x y)))
         (cons x y))

FYI: Clojure's `sequence` function accepts varargs like `map` and also a
transducer which allows you to express this like so:

     (sequence (comp (map *) (filter odd?)) lst1 lst2)

The docstring describes it like this:


I think you could offer the same API for `transduce`. Of course, you'll
have to adjust the `map` transducer accordingly, too.

This wouldn't work very well with the current API in Scheme, because the fold is passed to transduce explicitly. And given that, either a restriction must be imposed on the input data structures (they must all be of the same type); or the folder of each input data structure must be given. If the latter something like this would be kinda awkward (though not impossible, I guess):

   list-fold vector-fold
   (map *)
   lst vec)

And accepting the optional sentinel with this new API would also be awkward to implement[^1]...

[^1]: This can be easily remied if the sentinel is given to the collect instead of the transduce, in which case the current def of transduce is a single case-lambda case instead of two:

(transduce fold (map *) (collect 'sentinel-value) data)

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