On 1/5/23 05:49, siiky wrote:
Awesomesauce, thanks for the egg and the post! This is a smnall-ish pain
point of mine too. I'm still processing the post as well, but I can tell
I'll start using this frequently!

That's great to hear. I appreciate that you enjoyed the post and will start using transducers.

First a couple of typos: In footnote 4 it should be `call/cc` and not
`call-cc`? And "its not the Scheme I reach for" :p

Oof. Thanks for doing the editing work for me. It should be updated now.

About question (1) of "Some open problems ...": IMO (transduce type-fold
...) is a good compromise, and it seems better to me than
(type-transduce ...) though it means a tiny bit more typing. My
reasoning is that (intuitively, without having looked at an impl of
either) type-fold is easier to implement than type-transduce, and thus
it should also be easier for someone to extend the transducers egg with
their own fold+collect rather than transduce+collect.  An usecase of
extending the transducers egg is e.g. if I have an egg where I define a
data structure foo and would like users of my egg to use transducers on
(with?) foo, but without having to change the transducers egg itself.

Indeed, and this has been the reasoning in why I have left it for the most part. An egg like this is nothing if it cannot be extended easily. Noticing the distinction between implementing fold, collect, or some entire abstraction that tries to do both was something I realized about halfway through writing it (specifically, when I started adding fold / collect procedures outside of the list variants).

There is always the possibility to use the wrong fold with the wrong datatype or some-such, but there's really no way for me to get around that without a full object system and types, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Regarding (4) and strings: if we survived without transducers until now,
I think can survive until transducers for strings until C6 too and use
string->list+list-fold :) (I'm assuming UTF-8 will only become core in
C6, maybe I'm wrong)

If there were enough of a strong signal to just go UTF-8 only I'd probably just do that. The problem is that transduction happens on an item-by-item basis and I'm not sure that any string-fold will work the way you expect it to. In my experience you don't want individual unicode code-points, you want the full character.

I guess if I had a special transducer (similar to chunks or chunks-exact) and a collector to take individual code-points and generate a full grapheme, then I could get something that approximates useful unicode transducers.

But as it stands, I think anything regarding strings is going to be hairy and icky, because locales suck and internationalization means that any string logic will always be (somewhat) fragile.

My kingdom for a day in which users can use strings in any locale as easily as some of us abuse ASCII.

Small nitpick comment: I think it makes more sense to have either
type-fold+type-collect or fold-type+collect-type. It's more common in
Scheme to name type-operation so I'd give preference to that, but the
other is more natural and equally good IMO.

I figured this criticism would come up. My thinking was that keeping collectors prefixed with `collect-` helps autocomplete and gives you an interesting symmetry:

    (transduce list-fold (compose ...) collect-vector (list ...))

Notice how you start with list- on the left and -vector on the right? The transducer is in the middle and so you have list-transducer-vector if you squint at it hard enough.

But that said: I'm completely willing to change that if I get enough people telling me they get it backwards and it's incoherent. Ping me so I can keep a count of how many times / how many individuals this trips up.

Regards, and thanks again for the comments, I really appreciate the feedback.
Jeremy Steward

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