Hi Jeremy,

thank you for your detailed response.

On Fri 13 Jan 2023 at 17:56, Jeremy Steward <jer...@thatgeoguy.ca> wrote:
>> On Wed 04 Jan 2023 at 18:48, Jeremy Steward <jer...@thatgeoguy.ca> wrote:
>>> <https://www.thatgeoguy.ca/blog/2023/01/04/reflections-on-transducers/>
>>     My main problem with generators and accumulators is that they
>>     basically replace all our existing data types with a new type
>>     (generators) that can then be mapped / filtered over in a unified
>>     way. After one is done with gmap / gfilter / etc. they can then
>>     convert this generator back into some kind of type using an
>>     accumulator or one of the built in generator->type procedures. This
>>     solves a problem of abstraction by routing around it. Rather than
>>     worry about what operations are defined on a type, we instead just
>>     create a type that has all operations work on it.
>> What are the procedures reduced? and unwrap in your example?
>> Don't they point to similar issue with transducers?
> |reduced?| is a predicate that checks if a value has been wrapped by 
> |make-reduced|. |unwrap| unwraps a value that has been wrapped by 
> |make-reduced|. A "reduced" value isn't particularly special, but it's 
> using a unique record type (and predicate) to identify a particular kind 
> of value.
> This is how early termination is done with transducers. We could use 
> call/cc, but that would involve injecting call/cc somehow through all 
> the transducers / collectors / etc. Instead, if a transducer (e.g. 
> |take|) wants to stop folding over the collection early, it can just 
> wrap the current result in |make-reduced| which will tell the folder 
> "hey, I'm fully reduced" and the folder will stop.
> It doesn't really point to the same problem. See, transducers are still 
> monomorphized to the specific type. There is no polymorphism in 
> transducers as the library currently exists. So there's no type 
> deflection going on here.

I understand how the hardoced use-case of early termination works.

I do not understand, why you say that

   "generators replace all our existing data types with a new type"

i.e. original type -> generator

and at the same time it seems to me that you are doing this also in your

i.e. original type -> wrapper record

So the difference is not that your transducers replace existing data
types with a new type and transducers do not, but that "your" generators
replace existing data types with closure but your transducers with
record.  Maybe there is a difference, that the generator represents the
whole while the wrapper record represents an item but I am not sure if
that is an interesting distiction to make.

Are you allocating a new record per element of the input sequence?
Is that a good idea?

It seems to me that your choice of using record is arbirtary.
There are other ways to implement this.

I would probably just use a unique (eq) sentinel value.
iirc you already use one.
The if branching and unwrapping would not be necessary as
the collector already uses a sentinel value to stop iirc.
Is there a reason, why this simple solution was not used?

>>     This kind of approach is a good first abstraction, but fails because
>>     it is generally impossible to make this fast. It also doesn’t solve
>>     the fact that we have type->list and list->type proliferation. If
>>     anything, it makes it worse because most libraries are not
>>     generator-aware, and writing generators correctly can be
>>     tricky. That’s not to say writing any code cannot be tricky, but the
>>     obvious ways to write a generator are often using
>>     make-coroutine-generator which uses call/cc4 and as a result is
>>     pretty slow on most Schemes.
>> It seem that the problem is with the way people write generators in scheme.
>> Not that generators are "generally impossible to make fast".
> Generators are "generally impossible to make fast." If you accept a 
> generator as an argument to a procedure, then you don't know (from 
> within that procedure) if that generator produced values directly or is 
> the result of several layers of (gmap ... (gmap ... (gmap ... 
> generator))). Note this isn't true of lists and vectors and other 
> collection types: getting a value from a vector is O(1), and getting all 
> values sequentially is O(n).
> Because of that, you can very quickly end up with generators that call 
> generators that call generators that call generators and so on. This 
> isn't inherently slow, but those functions aren't local and it's a lot 
> more expensive than a simple fold / named-let over the data.
> Now, for a lot of code that may not be a problem. You might keep things 
> simple or only use generators that directly generate values and aren't 
> chained through several intermediate processes / mappers like above. 
> Alternatively, you might find that a generator is doing something 
> expensive anyways, like a network call. In such cases, maybe the 
> difference between transducers vs. higher-order generator functions 
> don't matter.
> For me though, I don't really want to work off that assumption. 
> Transducers are plenty fast and there's not really the same issue of 
> non-locality of the data / functions that one has with generators. The 
> general advice of "benchmark your code and target performance 
> improvements" applies, but if I write a function that accepts a 
> generator, I'd like to be able to guess at what I'm dealing with.
> Fun experiment: for any given set of procedures over a generator I'd 
> wager that transducers will probably be faster. You can test this yourself:
>      (transduce reader-fold
>                 (compose
>                   ;; All variants of map / filter / etc
>                   )
>                 collect-list
>                 generator)
> I am willing to bet this will be faster than almost any combination of 
> gmap / gfilter / etc. I say almost because I know if your generator is 
> doing a lot of IO or some kind of expensive network call then the 
> differences will be completely dwarfed.
> So in the most general case, I'd say yeah - generators are pretty much 
> impossible to make fast. Compared to iterating over a list or vector, I 
> can't know upfront that any given process is going to be bounded within 
> some time / complexity. Because of that, they seem rather unappealing to 
> me. I'll fully admit in the past I didn't always hold this view, but in 
> contrast to transducers (srfi-171 or otherwise) it's incredibly obvious 
> that srfi-158 generators are not going to be aiming at the same 
> performance targets.

I do not think that generator chain is a problem.  The generators will
do what you write them to do.  If they are implemented to do minimum
necessary, they will do minimum necessary.  If they are implemented to
do unnecessary stuff, they will be doing unnecessary stuff.

You probably mean, that generators are impossible to inline, while
transducers are possible to inline?

But in your article, you said you did not see if your transducers were
inlined.  It seems that you do not like to work with assumptions about
generators but are happy to work with assumptions about your

Maybe the problem you write are specific to srfi-158 generators?

It is in fact possible to optimize generators.  See for example
Not sure if anybody attempted something similar in Scheme.

In general, I prefer when libraries expose pull APIs which are much
easier to work with because they do not steal control from me.
Transducers have serious drawbacks here.  They take over control, they
are impossible to suspend and resume, they might be theoretically able
to optimize trivial cases, but are scheme compilers sufficiently smart?
How does one control what to inline and what not to inline?
Does not transducer optimisation fall apart with non-trivial cases?
What about dealing with multiple inputs?

I would like to understand what are the use-case limits for transducers.
Can transducers compose with other stuff?  How complex will the
resulting code be?  Filter out odd items and add 1 is not interesting
use-case.  Are there more interesting use-cases for transducers?

Something more interesting would be e.g. how would base64-decode with
transducer look like (it is non-trivial in the sense that there is no 1
to 1 input to output correspondence)?  How would a PEM certificate
decoding look like (where pre and post-amble is stuck around base64
encoded data)?  How would key extraction from such a PEM certificate
look like using transducers?  How would key extraction from such a PEM
certificate stored in a zip file look like using transducers?

Another example: how would aes-gcm implementation using transducers look
like?  Would it be possible to replace looping using transducers?  Would
it be maybe possible to "hide" the processing in chunks?  Would the
assumed optimisations still apply?  Would the resulting code be nicer?

Some time ago I stumbled on an interesting article that discussed pull
vs push https://justinjaffray.com/query-engines-push-vs.-pull/ It seems
to offer some good points why transducers might be good idea for certain
use-cases, although it is not clear to me if transducers are a good fit
for multiple outputs.

Do you have an experience with or oppinion on these issues?



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