Issue 1612: View source while in a session

New issue report by remielowik:
Product Version      :
URLs (if applicable) :
Other browsers tested:
   Add OK or FAIL after other browsers where you have tested this issue:
      Safari 3:
     Firefox 3: OK
          IE 7: OK

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. open phpmyadmin
2. login with an account
3. view source of the page while logged in

What is the expected result?
the source of the page

What happens instead?
you get an empty page(after clicking to an other tab it changes to
about:blank) and if you use view-source:url you will see the page instead
of the source

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if

        view_source.JPG  45.5 KB
        view_source_after_refresh.JPG  129 KB

Issue attributes:
        Status: Unconfirmed
        Owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Unknown

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