No one else has a sandbox for their JavaScript engine.  ACE in their
JS engine is game over.


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:42 PM, Darin Fisher <> wrote:
> I wonder why this hasn't gotten much attention in other browsers...
> -Darin
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Eric Roman <> wrote:
>> > My goal is to do all the work necessary to get V8-PAC resolving
>> > working in the browser process first.
>> That sounds like a good plan, but I think we should implement the
>> security mitigation as a second step.
>> > The logic goes something like:
>> > * To exploit V8 you must be running an evil PAC script.
>> > * If you are running an evil PAC script, you are already screwed.
>> The situation is a little more subtle than this.  Here is how I think
>> about it:
>> Threat Model:
>> 1) You are using the browser on an untrusted network.  Likelihood:
>> Routine (users routinely surf the Web on untrusted wireless networks,
>> for example in coffee shops and in airports).
>> 2) V8 has an exploitable arbitrary code execution vulnerability.
>> Likelihood: Will occur at some point.  Window of Vulnerability: One
>> patch cycle (exploitable ACEs in V8 are P0 bugs).
>> Designs:
>> 1) PAC in renderer process: Universal cross-site scripting.  The
>> attacker can exploit V8, but the sandbox prevents the attacker from
>> reading or writing your hard drive.  Severity: High.
>> 2) PAC in browser process: Arbitrary code execution.  The malicious
>> PAC script can now install malware on the user's machine.  Severity:
>> Critical.
>> Conclusion:
>> Running PAC scripts in the browser process elevates the severity of a
>> reasonable chunk of attack surface (ACE in V8) from high to critical.
>> Recommendation:
>> Ideally, we would run the PAC script in a dedicated sandboxed process.
>>  This would prevent a compromised PAC process from doing much of
>> anything.  Short of that, we should run PAC scripts in the renderer
>> process.
>> > The attacker can now INTERCEPT AND MODIFY all of your HTTP traffic!
>> This is the same as universal cross-site scripting and is a
>> high-severity vulnerability.  Being able to install malware on the
>> user's machine is more severe (e.g., critical).
>> > All they really need to do is substitute the next EXE you download
>> > with the code they want to execute, and voila.
>> This requires user interaction.  Specifically, the user has to confirm
>> the corrupted download.  Moreover, this attack vector is present
>> regardless of a vulnerability in V8 (i.e., ability 2 above) because an
>> untrusted network can do this already (i.e., just with ability 1
>> above).
>> Adam

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