On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Tim Steele<t...@chromium.org> wrote:
> you have to keep asking, unless you're always on IRC and can cleverly search
> the window contents.  A constant place to go looking for this would make it
> easier, at least in my opinion.  Like right now I don't know what's up with
> Chromium Mac (valgrind)

You need to be on IRC and scroll back:

[13:55] <dkegel>        mac valgrind unit -> rohitrao?
[13:57] <motownavi>     dkegel: very likely
[13:58] <dkegel>        emailed rohit
[14:02] <rohitrao>      dkegel, jar: looking
[14:30] <rohitrao>      jar, dkegel: reverted 22517

I doubt anything more durable than IRC is going to help...
IRC and the tree status are the place to go, I'm afraid.

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