On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Avi Drissman<a...@google.com> wrote:
> Right now there's no real control over themes. Once they're installed,
> they're permanently installed; there's no easy way to remove them

We should completely drop the concept of theme "installation". We can
do this by changing the language around themes in the UI. For example,
instead of "get themes", the button could read "pick new theme".

There can only be one theme active at a time, so whether the themes
are still on your computer when you switch away from them is sorta
irrelevant. From a cleanliness perspective, I would like to remove
them, but the fact that you currently can't remove a theme after you
switch away from it should not be an issue for most people.

> (chrome://extensions used to list them so they could be removed, but now you
> can't even do that). So why not let the user switch?

I'm not saying the user shouldn't be able to switch. I'm saying why
have two ways to switch, one that is inferior to the other.

> Assuming that the themes gallery will be the only source of themes and that
> the users would just have to go there is silly. The "Get Themes" button is
> only a suggestion, and while we have themes that we think are nice, there
> will be third-party providers.

Of course, but if you want to reinstall one of those themes, you can
just go back to the page you originally got it from. Why is it useful
to have a list of every theme you have ever picked in the options
menu? Like others have said, I expect this list to get long and there
is no way to manage it.

> If you don't think the popup does an adequate job of showing
> previews/management, you are absolutely correct. I'd love a chrome://themes
> page that
> - showed installed themes
> - allowed switching themes

It sounds like you want something almost like "favorite themes" - a
list that can be managed. I can see some minor utility in this above
just going back to the web page that has the theme you want and
picking it again, but it seems pretty thin. I don't believe it is
worth the implementation, maintenance, and simplicity costs to
implement it.

> -- with previews

Why do we need a separate concept of "preview" when you can just
install a theme, and if you don't like it switch back to the one you
had before. If the infobar said (and did) "undo" instead of "back to
default", doesn't this meet the need?

> -- with deinstall buttons

Why does it matter to uninstall a theme that you aren't using?
Particularly if we automatically delete theme resources when they are
switched away from?

> - allowed tinting for themes (which I've heard only Cole talk about but no
> one else mention)

Once we have this, you're right that we'll need some UI around it. I'd
prefer to wait until we know what the needs.

- a

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