Dear Sheri,

Yes, that is the manual I used.

Regarding command line chuck, I assume you are on Linux ? Because I think,
on the other platforms the installer has both command line and mini-audicle
included in one installer.

It doesn't matter so much, I would say: chuck code itself is for the most
part exactly the same: for example, all the code examples run in both cmd
line chuck and mini-audicle. The difference is that with mini-audicle you
get syntax highlighting and you can add/replace/remove shreds using
buttons, which you may find easier depending on your preference. Setting up
your sound card in mini-audicle is also a bit easier, I think.

happy chucking!

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 10:13 AM, tth <> wrote:

> On 01/15/2018 12:47 PM, Casper Schipper wrote:
>> Dear Sheri,
>> I think the basic documentation "ChucK_manual.pdf" that one gets when you
>> download chuck is actually rather good, for me, the clarity of that manual
>> is what actually got me hooked many years ago.
>    This file ?
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