I seem to recall this particular one got worked over pretty thoroughly lo these 
many moons ago and the conclusion then was there wasn't anything in it - aside 
from the stuff on Lady Castlerosse making some rather juicy reading (oh, to be 
70 again!).
The fact is, for the most part, remarkable people like Churchill ARE "just 
ordinary folks, like the rest of us."  Churchill undoubtedly put on his 
trousers same way I do - one leg at a time.  He also brushed his teeth.  So 
I await with bated breath the next great revelation (drum roll, maestro)  -  
Churchill SNORED!!!
Jonathan Hayes

      From: Richard Langworth <rich...@langworth.name>
 To: ChurchillChat <churchillchat@googlegroups.com> 
 Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2018 11:02 AM
 Subject: [ChurchillChat] Castlerosse Affair

https://www.theguardian.com/ uk-news/2018/feb/25/winston- 
churchill-secret-affair- socialite?CMP=fb_gu 

This is pure rubbish. Both Andrew Roberts, in his upcoming Churchill biography, 
and I, via Hillsdale.Churchill, will be writing about this in more detail, from 
our own research and interviews. For the nonce, this should suffice:
One may rightly ask, in the age of Harvey Weinstein: who cares? Is this really 
newsworthy? Well, to wax philosophic:  It's really just the old "Feet of Clay 
School." Some people simply can't accept the concept of a superior individual, 
of world-changing accomplishment. So they set out to prove they're just 
ordinary folk, like the rest of us.-- 
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