State of the Notion -- The CIA Today
28 March 2005 (updated 5 April 2005)

There is a spate of recent chatter regarding the CIA. At the expense 
of not delving into past CIA "accomplishments", I'd like to provide a 
synposis of what is currently happening within the intelligence 

So what is the chatter?

Most notible is the process known as "extraordinary rendition", 
started during the Reagan years, but put into full force by Bush 
after 9/11. It is estimated that between 150-200 prisoners have since 
been rendered to countries that may include torture in their 
interrogation techniques.[1]  Top officials deny that the prisoners 
are being flown to countries for the purpose of torture, but there 
are an increasing number of claims of abuse. "Attorney General 
Alberto Gonzales has said that if the United States sends a prisoner 
abroad, then our nation's Constitution no longer applies."[2]

<p>A sock in the arm for the CIA is the disclosure that one of its 
informants, a man called "Curveball", regarding the Weapons of Mass 
Destruction in Iraq apparently fabricated non-existant capabilities. 
Intelligence discrediting Curveball was available before Colin 
Powell's pre-war speech to the United Nations but was withheld in 
order to continue the White House's drive to war.

<p>Another blow is "the CIA's nearly 60-year run as the undisputed 
center of power and influence in the secret world of intelligence"[3] 
coming to an end with the appointment of John D. Negroponte to 
Director of National Intelligence (DNI).  Negroponte, as you may 
remember, "was U.S. ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985, during 
a time when the Reagan administration was secretly arming right-
wing "Contra" forces with the aim of ousting the progressive, 
Sandinista-led government in Nicaragua next door."[4] "Negroponte had 
[also] previously served as ambassador to Iraq, Mexico and the United 
Nations."[5] "John Negroponte is a multi-millionaire who has made a 
lot of money off of owning stock in companies that benefit directly 
from the war and occupation of Iraq. During his 41-year career with 
the State Department, or as some have called it "Death Squads Inc.", 
he and his cronies shepherded a murder machine from Vietnam to 

Since 9/11 the CIA has also begun spying on Americans here in the US, 
a move that is outside their jurisdiction. "A secretive government 
commission recently scrutinized the CIA for expanding its spy 
activities inside the United States and for failing to share key 
intelligence with the FBI, the New York Daily News has learned."[7] 
Similarly, "the nation's electronic intelligence agency [NSA] warned 
President Bush in 2001 that monitoring U.S. adversaries would require 
a "permanent presence" on networks that also carry Americans' 
messages that are protected from government eavesdropping. [The 
document] raised questions about how new global communications 
technologies were challenging the Constitution's protections against 
unreasonable searches and seizures."[8] Even the FBI and Pentagon has 
gotten into the spy business,[9] though a "study contracted by the 
Pentagon has concluded that the Defense Department should not take 
charge of the CIA's paramilitary functions."[10]

"The Bush administration has adopted a new counterintelligence 
strategy that calls for "attacking" foreign spy services and the spy 
components of terrorist groups before they can strike, a senior U.S. 
intelligence official said,"[11] a continuation of Bush's so-
called "preemptive defense".  But reshuffling of agencies' priorities 
has had its share of problems. "The Terrorist Threat Integration 
Center (which has since been renamed the National Counter-Terrorism 
Center) mission was to "fuse" the various strands of information 
collected by the government's 15 intelligence arms, including the 
FBI, CIA, NSA and Homeland Security. Instead of competing, officials 
from each agency would work together inside the new office. [But] 
analysts from different agencies had different clearances, making it 
difficult for them to talk to one another."[12] The Congressional 
Research Service "questions whether the primacy of the DNI 
(Negroponte) is "undermined by establishing a separate reporting 
channel to the president for certain counterterrorism operations."[13]

While "the agency has turned into "a government bureaucracy like any 
other, its managers and employees preoccupied with endless reams of 
restrictive regulations and simultaneously caught up in many of the 
newfangled pathologies of the American workplace,""[14] CIA Director 
Porter Goss has complained that he feels overwhelmed by his new job.
[15] One such result seems to be "that he intends to rid the agency 
of those who do not fall into line with Bush administration policies 
in the Middle East and elsewhere, leading some high officials to 
leave the agency and to widespread morale problems."[16]

To top that off, the Court has ruled that state secrets should stay 
secret and that agents cannot sue the CIA if the CIA renegs on an 
agreement "because such a suit would be incompatible with the often 
harsh realities of the cloak-and-dagger world."[17] This ruling has 
had the effect that ""All the attorneys have stopped keeping notes 
and it does terrible things to the historical record," [John W. Dean, 
former counsel to President Nixon, said].""[18]

Within the CIA "there is widening unease...over the possibility that 
career officers could be prosecuted or otherwise punished for their 
conduct during interrogations and detentions of terrorism suspects, 
according to current and former government officials."[19] "Senator 
Pat Roberts, a Republican who chairs the Senate Select Committee on 
Intelligence, believes CIA detention and interrogation practices 
should be subject to the committee's standard oversight function 
rather than a special review, an aide said."[20] Meanwhile European 
nations are threatening to sue the US for "forcibly detaining 
suspected terrorists on their soil before transferring them to other 
countries where torture is practised."[21]

Despite all the negativity surrounding the recent politics and 
pursuits of the intelligence community, steps are being taken to 
actively recruit new operatives. "The Pat Roberts Intelligence 
Scholars Program (PRISP) is a new program through which highly 
qualified undergraduate or graduate students who plan to work at the 
CIA may compete for a $25,000 one-year scholarship to help fund their 
studies."[22] "The scholars program is an ROTC-like pilot program 
intended to recruit and train graduate students for futures in the 
CIA or other U.S. government intelligence agencies."[23] "The CIA 
makes sure we won't know which classrooms PRSIP [sic] scholars 
attend, this being rationalized as a requirement for protecting the 
identities of intelligence personnel."[24] "The secrecy surrounding 
the current use of university classrooms as covert training grounds 
for the CIA and other agencies now threatens the fundamental 
principles of academic openness as well as the integrity of a wide 
array of academic disciplines."[25] Though it's claimed that only 
selected schools will be used for this project, with all the 
outsourcing and contractual work the CIA is involved in,[26] it is 
possible that any school will be used.

Unsuspecting kids are signing up for this, and years later may join 
the ranks of disgruntled agents who have spoken and written 
critically of the Agency. Agent Lindsay Moran has published "Blowing 
My Cover: My Life as a CIA Spy"; agent Melissa Boyle Mahle "Denial 
and Deception : An Insider's View of the CIA from Iran-Contra to 
9/11"; agent Michael Scheuer "Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing 
the War on Terror"; and agent Philip Agee "Inside the Company: C.I.A. 
Diary".[27] While these books may not condemn Murder, Inc., they 
should provide some insight into the workings of what has become the 
subject of many novels, television programs, movies and even video 


The reshaping of the American intelligence community is necessary to 
combat terrorism, but this restructuring is not happening as smoothly 
as planned. There is often little common ground for these agencies to 
work with -- for example technology: computers in one department may 
not connect to computers in another department either because of 
different security clearances or that they're just plain 
incompatible. Agencies are also still finding it hard to share 
information with each other and local police, often because of long 
time rivalries. "A troubling charge is that the CIA has withheld 
intelligence from the FBI."[29] ""I don't get the sense that the feds 
are learning to cooperate with local and state law-enforcement 
agencies," says Ms. Kamarck of the Kennedy School. "If you look at 
several of the terrorists who've been apprehended the past couple of 
years, it's because of the local police."[30] But at the same 
time, "government officials say the FBI is conducting intelligence 
operations without notifying other agencies like the CIA and the 
State Department, a move some say could be significant."[31]

While the right hand of the intelligence community fails to know what 
the left hand is doing, potential terrorists are falling through the 
cracks. Innocent Americans are also being arrested and all but 
stripped of their Constitional rights -- authorized by the Patriot 
Act signed immediately after 9/11 -- events with an eerily familiar 
ring to those knowledgeable of the rise of Nazi Germany.[32]

Bush's "illegal but legitimate" approach to combatting terrorism must 
be seen as a dark day in American History. The fact that so many 
American's are still in favor of the Bush gulag while the rest of the 
world condemns him speaks volumes. "Of 415 historians who expressed a 
view of President Bush's administration to this point as a success or 
failure, 338 classified it as a failure and 77 as a success."[33] "So 
far more than 4,000 scientists, including 48 Nobel prize winners, 
have...signed a statement condemning the Bush administration for 
misusing, suppressing and distorting scientific advice. Four dozen 
Nobel laureates...endorsed John Kerry for president."[34] It is 
terribly unfortunate that while the American intelligencia sees 
through Bush's lies, many Americans are reported to still favor him 
according to recent polls. The result? "Massive spending and massive 
deficits,"[35] low-income program cuts and depleted Social Security, 
more war and soaring gasoline prices.

intel24mar24,0,7540437.story?coll=la-home-headlines , 
[34] Yahoo! News quoted at 

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