Hey Norge!

Listen to this!


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "norgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your generalised over-simplified reduction of Dave Emory's work 
could be dismissed easily by just listening to a few of his 
> or by reading yesterday's post by Jeff Wells that refutes your 
belief that the Nazi's began and ended with Hitler in the 1940's.
> Let's remember the worlds that the word Nazi can hold. The street-
brawling thugs are always dispensable; even Hitler, who came up from 
the streets, dispensed with them. And to the SS conniving behind his 
back, Hitler could be done away with, too. It's such quiet and 
refined elite, whose members belong to the community of 
international money, that can smash more than our windows. Those are 
the Nazis to whom Allen Dulles delivered the keys to America. They 
were not the alien other, like European Jewry or the Communists. 
They were blutsbrüder.
> http://rigint.blogspot.com/2007/01/patterns-of-force.html
> Friday, January 19, 2007
> Patterns of Force 
> There's a black Mercedes rollin' through the combat zone - Bob 
> I've been dipping into Charles Higham's out-of-print American 
Swastika ("The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst 
from 1933 to the Present Day"), and the chapter on the negotiations 
mid-war between future CIA Director Allen Dulles and the SS just 
jumped up and said Yup, you got me.
> Higham writes:
> SS officers came from the right-wing elite, those with money and 
commercial interests that lay outside the German border. Thus, the 
fact that it was the SD [the SS intelligence service of the SS]which 
specialized in every kind of subversion, intrigue, and ruination 
appealed directly to Allied connections more than any other service. 
Its leaders belonged to the community of world money; their 
allegiance was not to the upstart, working-class Hitler, but to the 
memory of SS leader Heinrich Himmler's idol, King Henry I of Saxony, 
and to the Stein bank of Cologne, which financed Himmler's inner 
circle under the aegis of the international banker Kurt von 
> In 1942 Dulles became the OSS station chief in Switzerland, while 
continuing to serve as director and legal advisor to the New York 
branch of the same Schroeder bank. Early the following year, acting 
without the authority of Franklin Roosevelt (though he made false 
assertion to the contrary), Dulles opened a channel of appeasement 
with SS nobility, mostly Prussian elite, acting without the 
knowledge of Adolph Hitler. Dulles met three times with Prince Max 
von Hohenlohe, whom he knew from Vienna in 1916 and New York in 
the '20s. Higham examined the original SS records of the meetings 
and had no doubt to their authenticity, despite post-war attempts to 
discredit them because their translation had first appeared in the 
communist journal New Times.
> Dulles opened the first meeting cordially, saying he was "sick and 
tired of listening to stories of ruined politicians, emigrants, and 
prejudiced Jews." He said that Germany needed to remain in existence 
to "maintain order," that the question of Czech sovereignty was 
inconsequential, and that most important was the establishment of a 
bulwark in the East against Bolshevism.
> Dulles pressed ahead. He said that it would be unbearable for any 
decent European to think that the Jews might return someday, and 
that there must be no toleration of a return of the Jewish power 
positions. He reiterated his desire for a greater European political 
federation - and foresaw the federal Germany that in fact took 
place. He said that Hitler would not be accepted as the leader of a 
restored Germany. He made the curious assertion that the Americans 
were only continuing the war to get ride of the Jews and that there 
were people in America who were intending to send the Jews to 
Africa. This was Hitler's dream of course: that the Jews would go to 
Madagascar and stay there. Dulles seems to have confused the 
clubland view of blacks and Jews.
> Dulles now proceeded to supply Hohenlohe with dollops of secret 
intelligence, announcing that the US Army would not land in Spain 
but, after conquering Tunisia, would advance from Africa toward the 
Ploesti oil fields to cut off the German oil supplies. He said that 
it was likely the Allies would land in Sicily to cut off Rommel and 
control Italy from there, and thus secure the advance in the 
> Having given virtually the entire battle plan for Europe, top 
secret at the time, to one of Germany's agents, Allen Dulles 
proceeded to the almost unneccessary rider that he had very good 
relations with the Vatican. He said American Catholics had a 
decisive voice in such matters.
> The negotiations faltered in the Spring of '43 because the White 
House lacked Dulles's empathy towards aristocratic Nazis and his 
bond to supra-national capital saddled with the boorish and doomed 
Hitler (associations which appear to have led Dulles to commit 
untroubled acts of treason). But a few years later another of 
Dulles's plans, Project Paperclip, found far greater success, so 
that even as Germany underwent "denazification" the Nazi occult 
sciences were Americanized.
> Let's remember the worlds that the word Nazi can hold. The street-
brawling thugs are always dispensable; even Hitler, who came up from 
the streets, dispensed with them. And to the SS conniving behind his 
back, Hitler could be done away with, too. It's such quiet and 
refined elite, whose members belong to the community of 
international money, that can smash more than our windows. Those are 
the Nazis to whom Allen Dulles delivered the keys to America. They 
were not the alien other, like European Jewry or the Communists. 
They were blutsbrüder. 
> posted by Jeff at 6:45 AM   
> ---------
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "mark urban" <mcurb@> wrote:
> >
> > Hey,
> > 
> > Seal's brother (Barebottoms on the Free Republic Bulletin Board) 
> > covering very old turf. I guess Shaab and his bride knew Porter 
> > Goss, Frank Sturgis, Barry Seal, Felix Rodriguez and Oswald's 
> > as they are all present in that Rosetta Stone photo. 
> > 
> > Then again, maybe it is all part of a campaign designed to get 
> > chasing your tail like Little Black Sambo's tiger.
> > 
> > Allegedly, Seal flew guns to Castro in pre-revolution Cuba, flew 
> > JFK assassins out of Texas, flew Cocaine into the USA during 
> > Contra, and had GHWB's personal phone number in his wallet when 
> > was gunned down by supposed drug cartel hitmen.
> > 
> > I think it is funny (odd not humorous) as hell that Daniel does 
> > of his interviews with Dave Emory - a man who would have you 
> > that the Nazis are behind todays illicit drug traffic and 
> > terrorism.
> > 
> > For the sake of perspective, anyone who was twenty years old in 
> > would be in their eighties today - hardly an age at which 
> > effectiveness in the management of a worldwide criminal 
> > can be claimed. In addition, it is difficult for me to believe 
> > these so called Nazis were able to recruit so many proselytes to 
> > cause. Then again, the Mossad connection to drugs and false flag 
> > terror is ignored completely. You see, Dan and Dave know which 
> > of the bread has butter on it and who owns the sticks of butter.
> > 
> > I am waiting to see what Barry Seal's brother has to say about 
> > Amanda Keller. She apparently is not capable of identifying 
> > Mohammed she was screwing prior to 911 and she has repudiated 
all of 
> > her prior claims. Sooo! not to put too fine a point on it, the 
> > of Dan's argument that Atta was a psycho because he was able to 
> > apart cute kittens in revenge for being jilted by a bimbo just 
> > vanishes into thin air, as does the dancing in a green speedo, 
> > listening to the Beastie Boys, tearing up bibles and calling a 
> > German named Wolfgang his "brother".
> > 
> > As Matt Damon says in THE GOOD SHEPHERD
> > 
> > "Wer war der tor, wer weiser, wer bettler oder kaiser, ob arm ob 
> > reich, im tode gleich!"

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