Multiple Sclerosis Sufferer Serving 25-Year Sentence for Taking Pain Killers

Damn the drug war mentality, and damn Florida for too often being the most 
mean-spirited state in the Union.  First Florida doctors would not adequately 
treat Richard Paey's MS pain. Then Florida narcs spent weeks worth of taxpayer 
money to spy on him.  Then Florida courts sentenced him as if he were a drug 
trafficker, even though the narcs already knew he wasn't. Even the judge knows 
it's wrong. But Paey continues to languish in prison. 

Paey's only alternatives now are an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court or 
clemency from Governor 'Charlie' Crist, which should be a lot faster than an 

Please jot a short note to the new governor to protest your taxpayer money 
being spent to keep such a sick patient in prison for 25 years (you do the 
math, at approximate 22,000 per year, if he lives that long). Or protest pain 
patients being treated in this manner...Or protest government's interference in 
medicine or the drug war that would birth such laws, or politicians and courts 
who would apply them so heartlessly: Whatever you see wrong in this situation, 
remember, it could happen to you or someone you love if the choice between pain 
and the law is ever forced on you.  

"Governor Crist, please set a new tone for Florida; economical, 
common-sense-ical, and compassionate: Send Richard Paey home."  

I include the **governor's contact info at the bottom of this email.
Kay Lee

FLA - Multiple Sclerosis Sufferer Serving 25-Year Sentence for Taking Pain 
View this story online at:
By Maia Szalavitz,
Posted on March 14, 2007, Printed on March 14, 2007

Florida's Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from Richard Paey, a 
wheelchair-using father of three who is currently serving a 25-year mandatory 
prison sentence for taking his own pain medication. In doing so, the court let 
stand a decision which essentially claims that the courts have no role in 
checking the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government 
when an individual outcome is patently unjust.

Richard Paey -- who suffers both multiple sclerosis and from the aftermath of a 
disastrous and barbaric back surgery that resulted in multiple major 
malpractice judgments -- now receives virtually twice as much morphine in 
prison than the equivalent in opioid medications for which he was convicted of 
forging prescriptions.

He had previously been given legitimate prescriptions for the same doses of 
pain medicine -- but made the mistake of moving to Florida from New Jersey, 
where he could not find a physician to treat his pain adequately. Each of his 
medical conditions alone can produce agony. Paey has described his pain as 
constantly feeling like his legs had been "dipped into a furnace."

The Ivy-league educated attorney has no prior criminal convictions, and weeks 
of surveillance by narcotics agents did not find him selling the medications.

The Florida Court of Appeals had upheld his conviction -- despite the lack of 
evidence of trafficking and despite the fact that most of weight of the 
substances he was convicted of possessing (higher weights lead to longer 
sentences) was made up of Tylenol, not narcotics. The majority suggested that 
Paey seek clemency from the governor, claiming that his plea for mercy "does 
not fall on deaf ears, but it falls on the wrong ears."

In a jeremiad of a dissent, Judge James Seals called the sentence "illogical, 
absurd, unjust and unconstitutional," noting that Paey "could conceivably go to 
prison for a longer stretch for peacefully  
but unlawfully purchasing 100 oxycodone pills from a pharmacist than had he 
robbed the pharmacist at knife point, stolen 50 oxycodone pills, which he 
intended to sell to children waiting outside, and then stabbed the pharmacist."

But the Florida Supreme Court disagreed, letting the sentence stand, without 
comment. It released its cowardly decision in the media quiet of a Friday 
night. As Siobhan Reynolds, founder of the Pain Relief Network points out, 
"Where Florida stands now is that individuals have no recourse to the courts 
when the executive and legislative branches behave tyranically." Under the 
Constitution, the role of the judiciary is supposed to be to check the powers 
of the other branches -- not simply to defer to them.

Paey's only other alternatives now are an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court or 
clemency from Governor Charlie Crist.

Writing in support of clemency, leading academic pain specialist Russell 
Portenoy, MD, said, "the information available indicates that any questionable 
actions [Paey] took, actions which led ultimately to his arrest, were driven by 
desperation related to uncontrolled pain."

He noted that such cases "may increase the reluctance of professionals to treat 
pain aggressively."

Portenoy wrote that despite the fact that Paey required high doses of opioids, 
those doses were "clearly in the range used by pain specialists in this 
country." He stressed that, "The number of pills or milligrams of an opioid 
required for analgesia says nothing about any of the negative outcomes 
associated with these drugs-including  
abuse, addiction and diversion-and reference to the amount of drug as evidence 
of these outcomes by regulators or law enforcement should not be condoned."

Unfortunately, across the country, pain patients are being undermedicated and 
doctors are going to prison because the Justice Department refuses to believe 

People profess to be experts about addiction because they have personal 
experience with drugs or addicts; they think they know about opioid drugs 
because they've watched a few episodes of E.R. or been through DARE classes at 
school. The truth is that opioids are amongst the safest drugs known to 
humanity -- when given appropriately, they do not kill.

Unlike aspirin, Tylenol, Vioxx, Celebrex, Advil, Alleve and every other known 
class of pain medications, opioids do not harm any organs and there is no 
maximum dose once a person has become tolerant to them. People need to educate 
themselves about the complexities of how drugs, brains and settings interact 
before making policies about them that send people like Richard Paey to prison.

Governor Crist, please, do the right thing and send Richard Paey home.

Maia Szalavitz is a senior fellow at the media watchdog group STATS.
? 2007 Independent Media Institute. 


Phone: 850-488-7146
Fax: 850-487-0801

Mailing Address:
Office of the Governor
The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

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