National March For America 
To Take America Back!                                           
“LFRA” is a very grassroots, down to earth Non-Profit Corporation.  
Our projects and foci attempt to resolve issues that do not support 
the best interests of American citizens.  We totally agree with 
Roosevelt’s 1907 vision for immigration for our nation. (See Below.)
Our first project involves organizing and managing a rally in Washington 
DC and at individual state capitals to let our government officials know 
that we will no longer tolerate being ignored in our requests to 
close and secure our borders.  Keep in mind that we are PRO 
legal immigration and are AGAINST illegal immigration for our nation.
As you can see, we have many different kinds of groups that are 
participating so far.  Interests very from security-terrorism, 
environmental protection, population control, stopping NAFTA, 
SPP, NAU, and/or TTC, and the sale and use of our highways 
to stopping or reducing illegal immigration.  The one common 
denominator shared is a desire to see our southern border closed.  
Two women sharing concerns about illegal immigration and its 
multiple effects met over the internet several months back.  
They became fed up with what wasn't being done.  The result 
is LFRA.  Some have indicated that these ladies wouldn't 
succeed because they were, in effect, "nobodies." 
We ask the "Silent Majority" and "Middle America" to
help us prove "them" wrong!  
For your review and consideration we are including basic information 
about the rally and are inviting you to join us if at all possible.  Please
review the contents of our website for more information.
Please consider getting involved as:    
1.  An individual or group participant 
2.  A pro bono speaker, and/or 
3.  One of our project “supporters” (see list below)
4.  State Coordinator (VERY badly needed)
5. Worker Bees and Keyboard Warriors
6. Group/organization assistance in letting their
     staff, members and supporters know about the
     march through any of the following:
 a.       Website links
 b.       Newsletters
 c.       Referrals to other organizations/businesses 
        and individuals in the USA and Canada*
Please circulate this information to others who might be 
interested in this event.  
Your questions are welcome as well.
Let Freedom Ring America Staff and Volunteers
*As you know, government and business have gone
"global" to accomplish their ends.  LFRA has concluded
that going global makes good sense.  Because we know 
that many Canadians are not happy with NAFTA/TTC 
and open borders.  We would appreciate it if you would 
refer us to any potential Canadian participants - individuals, 
groups or organizations.  Our hope is that Canadian 
participation would be added incentive for the politicians
of BOTH countries to take constructive action. 
If you are going to register, please do so as soon
as possible so we can continually make and expand
arrangements for permits, porta-potties, etc. 
On Line At:           Let Freedom Ring America 
Email:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mailing Address:   P.O. Box 1332, Porter, TX 77365
Official Staging Areas: 
Visit our website for the most current updates to this list. 
National Capital (D.C.) June 14,15,16, 2007
State Capitals, June 16, 2007  (See Below)
National Capital (D.C.): (Secured with Permits)
State Activity:
We are still needing volunteers to secure State capital rallies
and permits.  Visit our website for state contact information.
     -New York
Official March Start Times: 
June 16th kickoff times on march day. 
East Coast     1 pm EST
Central         12 pm CST
Mountain      11 am MST
West Coast  10 am PST
*Permits have been obtained for the D.C. Rally
Senior Citizens, Handicapped, 
Homebound, And Working Individuals:
We encourage all our aged, handicapped, homebound, 
or working patriots, to join us and not be silenced on this 
day. Here are some tips to allow you to participate even 
if you can't be at the capitals in person.
·         Display the American flag and signs from your windows.
·         Write letters to editors to be published on the day
of the March for America event.  If you life in a retirement 
community, apartment building, or nursing home contact 
and get with other residents to hold your own protests within
 the community.  Remember to contact the media to get 
publicity for it, it can't hurt to try...
·         Wear Red/White/Blue if you do go out into public.
·         Conact others in the same situation as you in your 
community and ask them to participate as well.
·         Be creative, have fun, there are many ways to show 
    you will not be silenced.
·         We have flyers, brochures and "business" cards for
your use as well.  Email us ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) your 
and we'll send you documents that you can print or have 
photocopied in color or black and white.   
Confirmed Pro Bono Speakers 
Registered Of 1/19/07: 
 Visit our website for the most current updates to this list.
Andy Anderson - (FL) 
Rick Biesada - (DC) 
Michelle Dallacroce -MAIA- (DC) 
Russ Dove - (AZ) 
Diane Evertsen - (IL) 
Evert Evertsen - (IL) 
Peter Gadiel - (DC) 
Ted Hayes - (DC) 
Ruthie Hendrycks - (DC) 
Cindy Kolb 
Russell Landry - (FL) 
Tom Maklin - (FL) 
John Martin - (DC) 
J.T. Ready - (DC) 
Deborah Robinet - (DC) 
Chris Simcox - (DC) 
Helen. S. - (DC) 
Joyce Tarnow - (FL) 
Carl Twofeathers Whitaker - (DC) 
Frosty Wooldridge - (DC) 
Brent Zdun - (FL)
Confirmed Groups Registered 
As of 1/19/07:
Visit our website for the most current updates to this list.
9-11 Families for a Secured 
Alamo Alliance 
American Freedom Riders - Arizona 
American Freedom Riders - SWFL. Brigade 
Anti-Illegal Immigration Events 
Border Census 
Chicago Minutemen 
Citizens Against Illegal Aliens 
Citizens for Immigration Control and Enforcement-PA 
Conservative Caucus 
Desert Invasion U.S. 
F.I.R.E. Coalition 
Georgia Minutemen 
Homemakers of America 
Immigration Buzz 
Iowa Minutemen 
Kentucky Minutemen 
Lonestar Minutemen 
Minnesotans Seeking 
Immigration Reform 
Minnesota Minutemen 
Minnesota F.I.R.E. Coalition 
Minutemen Civic Defense Corp 
Mothers Against Illegal Aliens 
National Association of Constititional Leadership 
Protect Our Borders 
Riders Against Illegal Aliens 
Stop SmartPort 
Tennessee Volunteer Minutemen & Women 
The United Citizens of America 
 Washingtonians for Immigration Reform (WFIR)   
You Don't Speak For Me
Project "Advocates As Of 1-19-07:" 
Visit our website for the most current updates to this list.
These groups and individuals approve of the march and have 
given us their “blessings” and encouragement.
Terry Anderson 
Brian Bonner 
T.J. Bonner 
Rusty Childress 
John Crittenden (Taking Canada Back) 
Lou Dobbs 
Don Goldwater 
Ted Hayes 
Cindy Kolb 
Chelene Nightingale 
Russell Pearce 
Johnny Petiello 
Chris Simcox 
Glenn Spencer 
Citizens for a Constitutional 
Homemakers of America 
Paul Revere Riders 
Team America PAC 
Riders Against Illegal Aliens 
Stop Smart Port 
United American Civil Taskforce 
U.S. Border Watch
Total Event Will Include:
June 14th - "NO AMNESTY Flag Day"  A day of honoring 
American citizens who have died to illegal aliens on their 
own soil. . F.I.R.E. Coalition will hosting "OPERATION BODY 
COUNT". In addition will be a remembrance and a moment 
of silence to honor the fallen patriots who have died defending 
our country, its flag and constitution.
June 15th - "NO AMNESTY All American Day" Presentations 
and protests on topics which affect our Nation.  Such topics 
planned are in regards to: the NAU/SPP/TTC,  Drug Cartels 
& other Open Border threats, and their effects and danger in 
our cities and to our youths.  
June 16th - "NO AMNESTY March for America Rally Day." 
The final day, is the biggie. Key Speakers will lend their voices 
to speak for the people of this nation as Americans March in 
unison to their Capitals across our nation to present for our 
Government the foundation that this country was founded upon, 
"The U.S. Constitution", signed by the American people to 
remind our Government where their loyalty should lie.  
Advertise The March In Your 
City And State:
We have simple flyers and brochures designed for your use
in advertising the march in your communities or wherever the
need exists. Email us ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and we'll 
email you documents that can be printed or photo copied
in color or black and white.
Food And Drink
Concession stands are NOT allowed at the Park unless
unless they are ethnic by nature.  “American” is NOT
considered ethnic.  There are no established food 
venders at the Park itself.  We are looking into a brown
bag lunch provider, but none have been confirmed or
established to date.
Porta-Potties are a MUST and will be provided for the 
convenience of the participants.
We’re currently accepting pledges for the porta-pottie 
rentals.   Renting one (1) porta-pottie is $20.00 per
day.  We’re told we need 1 porta-pottie per 50 people
in attendance.
Porta-Pottie Pledges:
Mailing Address:   P.O. Box 1332, Porter, TX 77365
Send us a “Buck for Luck”- $1.00 (plus the 
stamp and envelope.)  to kick off our porta-pottie 
drive.  Include name, address and phone number.
Indicate that your gift is for  March For America.
Help build a “Pit Stop Inn” with a $5.00 donation.  
A $20.00 gift earns you a place in our  “Hole in One” 
Please be patient with our website.  It has just been set up 
and recently activated. 
Ultimately, in addition to our T-shirts we will offer other 
goodies to buy for use at the rally and in your communities.
Thank You!
"As Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, 
from the same causes and in much the same way. 
What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio 
Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, 
the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended." 
Pat Buchanan, 2006   
"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant 
who comes here in good faith becomes an American 
and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on 
an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage 
to discriminate against any such man because of creed, 
or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the 
man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing 
but an American...There can be no divided allegiance 
here. Any man who says he is an American, but 
something else also, isn't an American at all. We have 
room for but one flag, the American flag, and this 
excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against 
liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any 
foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have 
room for but one language here, and that is the English 
language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty 
and that is a loyalty to the American people."   
-Theodore Roosevelt, 1907
    March For America
      To Take America Back
            June 14,15,16,
Details -

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