"Air America Radio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Sam Seder at YearlyKos 
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 18:23:35 -0400 
Check out these Audio Highlights:
Crime and Punishment
The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom and a caller debate crime and punishment in society
  John Nichols
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi talks to John Nichols, author and Nation journalist, about the 
Constitution and impeachment
  Kent Jones Now
The Rachel Maddow Show
Classical music vs. Crime
Misguided War on Drugs
The Lionel Show
Ex-Narc, Barry Cooper, tells us why he turned from soldier in the war on drugs 
into one of its harshest critics.
Mike Gravel Interview
The Rachel Maddow Show
Mike Gravel, Democratic presidential hopeful and former senator from Alaska, 
joins Rachel to talk about his presidential ambitions and about what it's like 
to steal the show at every Democratic debate.
Why join the military?
The Lionel Show
A mother turns to Lionel because her son can’t join the military … huh? What?!?!
YearlyKos Convention
  Air America’s own Sam Seder is embedded at the YearlyKos Convention in 
Chicago. He will be interviewing all of your favorite progressive bloggers over 
the next three days, to bring you a virtual smorgasbord of Blogger interviews 
for this weeks “Seder on Sunday”. Listen to AirAmerica.com from 4pm-7pm ET on 
Sunday, August 5th to hear his take on YearlyKos along with the best interviews 
of the convention.
  Next week AirAmerica.com will also bring you all of the interviews that 
didn’t make it into the show. Check out AirAmerica.com next week for details on 
how to stream or podcast all of you favorite blogger interviews.
  Justin Timberlake's '08 endorsement?
  Want to find out who?
  Spend a minute with McCain, Romney, Thompson and Brownback for an 
“enlightening” discussion. We have it on video for you to watch! 
  We know that Bush is extreme - could these guys be even worse?
  Watch this video and change the debate in ’08!
  Hopefully the next debate on August 5 in Iowa (on ABC’s This Week with George 
Stephanopoulos) won’t be as scary as this one.
    Thu, 2 Aug 2007 12:05:31 -0500 (CDT) 
From: "Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Urgent: Stop the Spying Sellout 
Congress needs to hear from you right now -- before they grant the president 
new spying powers.
Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy and Hastily Rewrites Our 
Spying Rules.
Dear Theresa,
  We need you to take action right now -- before Congress sells out our 
  President Bush is facing more resistance than he expected as he tries to undo 
oversight for NSA spying. This morning, The Los Angeles Times exposed that the 
Bush Administration's real motivation is a disagreement with the top-secret 
FISA court that limits spying abuses. If Congress gives Bush what he wants, 
those legal limits won't be in his way.
  Take action right now -- before Congress sells out our privacy.
  Thanks to your phone calls, Democratic leaders in Congress are re-evaluating 
their stance on Bush’s proposed overhaul of the spying rules.  But the fight is 
not over. We need you to keep calling. 
President Bush wants Congress to give Attorney General Alberto Gonzales 
exclusive power to decide who is “reasonably believed to be outside the United 
States” and to force Internet and telecommunications companies in the United 
States to comply with requests for data or access to emails and phone calls 
without warrants and without court review. That low standard and lack of 
accountability will undoubtedly sweep up the phone calls and emails of 
Americans who are on the other end of the communication, putting our privacy at 
  Make no mistake, if Congress doesn’t take a stand now, Bush will continue to 
bulldoze over Congress and play on lawmakers’ timidity and political 
calculation in the months ahead. No president should have powers to spy on 
Americans’ emails or phone calls without individual warrants, period. 
Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy.
  Democratic leaders in Congress now claim they won’t put Gonzales in charge of 
spying. And they also claim they won’t agree to any “compromise” on NSA 
surveillance unless the rules require warrants in some form to spy on 
Americans, and some court review. 
  But details remain murky. There is still a very real danger Democrats will go 
along with much of what the administration has been pushing for, putting our 
telephone and email communications at risk.
  We face extraordinary circumstances, so we are asking you to keep the 
pressure on. Congress is set to vote on this today or tomorrow, before they go 
home for recess.
  Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy.
Caroline Fredrickson

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