
Can you read?You are going off the deep end.

I am not Tim White. If Tim White says something that does not mean I say it.

And here you are misquoting something to take a dig at Hopsicker.

Here is what was said in Daniel's article

a man named Adam Gopnik, has the effrontery to insert the following ridiculous and unsupported statement:

“One of the odd things in American history is that we are inclined to “psychologize” acts of assassination that, whatever dark corner of the psyche they are torn from, are clearly and explicitly political in motive. Oswald shot Kennedy in an act of terrorism on behalf of Castro..."

Now, clearly Arlene, Daniel was quoying what someone else said and called that person's (Adam Gopink) statement "ridiculous and unsupported."

So Arlene, either you cannot read, have an agenda, are lazy, made a mistake or are just plain stupid. Which is it?



On Sep 21, 2007, at 2:56 AM, Arlene Johnson wrote:

Noam Chomsky said that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy. Noam Chomsky has been disgraced on this listserv, and now Hopsicker said this according to Kris Millegan:

"Oswald shot Kennedy in an act of terrorism on behalf of Castro."

Oswald could not have killed Kennedy because there was a tree blocking his scope.

Hopsicker appears to me as someone who can live in Florida because he is toting the government line. I got out and have been praised for doing so because I expose the government's lies and the lies of those who are controlling the government with full documentation so the government can't sue me for libel, but I have been libeled and slandered by an under cover informant for the FBI, and have the documented truth about that too.

The reason why my publication was entitled True Democracy, which is just a name, is because the word Demcoracy has a meaning to the vast majority of people in the United States. Hardly anyone realizes that it was created as a Republic. Most still don't. I became aware that our country was created as a Republic after I had become an active publisher. My Web site became active in March 2000. The e-zine launched in March 2001, and to international acclaim too. It is still being acclaimed internationally too, with one in Houston, TX stating that "This is a treasure trove; thank you for sending it."

Effective with the 8th edition, the Library of Congress gave me permission to rename my e-zine as The Journal of History (La verdad sobre la democracia remained the same in honor of Argentina, the only country to publish the truth about the Kennedy assassination) and I have also disseminated the fact that our country was created as a Republic, but Tim White stated that I have not. The quote by Benjamin Franklin is right on the Table of Contents in one of my editions.

Now, I really can call him a liar, because if he were on the side of truth, he would at least give me credit for having disseminated that fact.

He is attempting to discredit my work and poison my friends against me, but God protects me so I don't fear Tim White as God knows what he is and will eventually harm him.

I did not apologize to anyone, because I have done nothing wrong. I actually defended Pam Schuffert when I read what Gianni Hayes said, and advised Gianni to have Pam on her radio program, advice that Gianni is taking.

And Gianni wants to have me on her program too, so all is well between the three courageous Christian women who want the truth to get out.


Arlene Johnson
Remember, he laughs best who laughs last.

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