--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "mark urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bob,
> Call me crazy, but in the first film and stills after the pentahit, I 
> neither saw the impact marks of the wings of a commercial jet on the 
> building's facade, nor did I see the impact marks of the hardest 
> things on the jet - the engines.

WTC was steel. The strength of WTC was in the outer shell. The
Pentagon's strength was not at all in the facade the plane hit, and
not much internally. What strength the Pentagon has resides in the
interior concrete columns and slab of which there are not many photos
of. I'll find you some.


Basically the columns and slab and small vertical steel near the front
wall functioned as a giant shredder, and then we have not seen much
debris from inside the building.

Most of the hole is in the first floor. There are two places where the
hole is higher, into the second floor, as if for the fuselage and tail
being taller.

Behind the flimsy twelve inches of masonry, four inches of stone
facing and eight inches for two brick layers, there was some vertical
steel on the order of what holds up a lot of houses over their
basements. That vertical steel shredded the aluminum foil airplane.

I am going to find you photos where you can see the hole, and marks
beside the hole extending out to the width of a Boeing 757 wingspan.


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