-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 7:54 pm
Subject: It's the Underground Economy, Stupid

Wachovia Is Under 
Scrutiny in Money-Laundering Probe, WSJ Says 

By Sylvia Wier


April 26 (Bloomberg) -- Wachovia Corp. is one 
of several U.S. banks under federal investigation as part of a probe of 
alleged drug-money laundering by Mexican and Colombian money- transfer 
companies, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the 

The bank is talking with the U.S. Justice Department about a 
deferred-prosecution agreement that would require federal 
oversight of the Charlotte, North Carolina-based company's compliance system, 
the Journal said. 

``Wachovia is not currently nor has it in the past engaged in those 
discussions,'' Wachovia spokeswoman Christy Phillips- Brown 
told Bloomberg News in a telephone interview. ``Wachovia doesn't comment on the 
status or existence of investigations. The bank is committed to a 
strong-anti-money-laundering program.'' 

The remittance industry transmits more than $50 billion from the U.S. to 
Latin America annually, the Journal said. Most of the money involves wages 
sent to relatives, although drug traffickers may use the system to move 
from their U.S. narcotics sales. 

A Justice Department spokesman didn't immediately return a call from 
Bloomberg News seeking comment.



[Israeli]?choppers in service of drug 

officials demand Israel provide explanations for how U.S.-made choppers sold to 
Israel ended up in service of Columbian drug cartel. Incident may cloud 
relations between countries



Another diplomatic incident threatens 
to taint U.S.-Israeli relations: The American government has recently 
demanded Israel clarify how five U.S.-made helicopters sold to Israel in the 
mid-70s found their way into the hands of a Columbian drug cartel. 




Relations Tainted












New confidence crisis with 
                  U.S.?/ Hanan Greenberg 





U.S. halts supply of 
                  electro-optical equipment to IDF after Israel did not report 
                  loss of hundreds of night vision devices defined as 


Full Story



An U.S. embassy official met with an Israeli foreign ministry official in 
Jerusalem several days ago, where he informed him that the American Foreign 
Ministry has requested the embassy to launch an investigation into the matter. 


According to American sources, the military copters currently serve the drug 
mafia in the South American country. 


Top diplomatic sources fear that this incident will once again heat-up 
tensions between Israel and the U.S. and cloud the strategic dialogue between 
the two countries, which is scheduled to renew in November, after talks were 
suspended for more than a year-and-a-half. 


Kosher deal went sour 


The dubious affair, which was already investigated by the Israeli Defense 
Ministry, and later turned over to the hands of the police, was uncovered about 
two years ago. 


Investigators revealed that the Defense Ministry signed a deal with an 
Israeli company three years ago, contracting it to negotiate the sale of five 
IAF helicopters for a sum of USD 100,000 per aircraft. 


The ministry permitted the choppers, of a MD 500 Defender model, be sold 
either to the Mexican federal police, or to the Spain firefighters 
department.? However, contrary to the terms of the license, the copters 
ended up in Columbia, by way of Canadian mediators. 


A Defense Ministry spokeswoman said in response that "after suspicions were 
raised that an illicit exchange took place, the ministry launched an initial 
investigation into the matter last year." 


"According to instructions of the chief prosecutor, the case was handed over 
to the police in 2004," she added. 


Sources at the Defense Ministry refused to comment on the matter. 

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