Electronic Steroid = TaserCop Syndrome

Japan's 1950's World Peace plan was matricized against from the UK & EU
to result in 11-9-2001 = Western Historical Record of NO INTENT TO SOLVE

It's time to WAKE UP the FED & advocate Daily Problem Solving
Conversations with Elected Officials.

There's an Event Horizon of WORLD PEACE ORGANIZERS Scheduled to advocate
INNOVATION, invention, Social Progress & Progress in Governance toward
PEACE for ALL Ancestries OF Earth.

The opposite, the Westerners of the Narcoics Organization Matricized
themselves against the exact community of World Peace Organizers with
the motivation of Sado Masochistic Hatred derived from the minds of the
Photos of all Past Wars with the use of Narcotics & Electricity & the UK
Human Experiments.

It's World Peace & Traditional Christianity vs. Western Civilization,
Pagan Greek Gods, Scientologists, Gay Commuinty, HIndi Pakistani &
Mormons because of the use of an Object Oriented Databased FEED of
thoughts, Words, Letters, Syllables & Numbers into the minds &
advertising, Television Programming of ZipCodes.

The above paragraph only makes sense if you're on Narcotics.

It's the 21st Century, goods are produce in Non Western Countries at the
SAME Prices as that of 1930's & 1940's while UNNECESSARILY priced higher
than they were only 5 years ago.

Prices of Staple Commodities are being pushed up to create a Dog-Eat-Dog
World to create more Naroctics Abusing Psuedo-News Junkies.

Commercial Terrorism from the EU, Hindi Pakistani & UK.

The Commodities targeted follow the Profile of the Demographic that's
being attacked with the use of Personal Consumer Spending Information,
Statistics to push a Community of People towards Poverty using the
Native Americans as a Base Demographic.

Wake up Call,
If You're Going to repeat the 1930's wouldn't it be better to lower
Prices & advocate WORLD PEACE instead of World Wars, excluding
intelligence & diplomacy?

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis
> /*Frum could be the first of former Bush Administration officials to
> actually get violent with reporters, though a number of *mainstream
> media outlets have called for violence*
> against 9/11 truthers, and *at least one Bush supporter physically
> attacked a truther* <http://www.infowars.com/?p=1704> last week.*/
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:  [work_democracy] once in awhile old alex jones does alright
> (excellent 9/11 info)
> Date:  Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:51:27 -0400
> From:  Robert Busser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:  <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
> http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2008/290408Violent.htm
> *White House Speech Writer Turns Violent After 9/11 Questions*
> 'Axis of Evil' author David Frum Responds to Questions With Physical
> Assault and Obscene Language
> Aaron Dykes / JonesReport.com
> <http://www.jonesreport.com/article/04_08/28frum.html>
> Tuesday, April 29, 2008
> A member of /*We Are Change L.A.*/
> <http://www.youtube.com/wearechangela> was assaulted and cursed at by
> former White House *speech writer David Frum*
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Frum> during a book signing,
> according to reports.
> Frum-- a neo-con policy maker who is often credited with coining the
> phrase 'Axis of Evil'-- allegedly lost his temper when he recognized
> Stewart Howe, of /We Are Change L.A./, from a previous book signing.
> Howe approached Frum to ask a question when Frum became angry, and
> violent, reports indicate.
> Frum told Howe, "The one thing I regret from our last conversation is
> that I didn't say to you what my friend Christopher Hitchens said...
> which is, you should /fuck/ /off."/ [expletive is reportedly a direct
> quote]
> According to Howe, David Frum then got up from behind the book signing
> table and swung at Stewart and his camera while he was phrasing a
> question about the unraveling 9/11 cover-up and potential criminal
> Frum could be the first of former Bush Administration officials to
> actually get violent with reporters, though a number of *mainstream
> media outlets have called for violence*
> against 9/11 truthers, and *at least one Bush supporter physically
> attacked a truther* <http://www.infowars.com/?p=1704> last week.
> David Frum was quoted as saying, "Turn off the camera. Go away!" as he
> smacked the camera during the book signing event.
>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHorpNLKUfg
> (Article continues below)
> Howe replied "I will not go away. I will not turn off the camera. We
> in public. Are you worried, perhaps, about the criminal liability of
> being a partner to mass murder after the fact? You know that is a real
> concern because the truth is coming out."
> Reportedly, David Frum swung repeatedly at the camera during this
> statement before members of event security separated him from Howe and
> sent him back to his seat. Moments later, Frum got up from his seat to
> assault Howe for a second time after over-hearing a discussion with
> security guard regarding 'the neo-con agenda laid out in PNAC
> David Frum allegedly tried to break the camera while Howe announced to
> the recording that "he's assaulting me, and I have it on film."
> Frum then said, "I don't want to be on your camera." Stewart Howe
> responded, "We're in public. I've just been assaulted by David Frum on
> film."
> Security escorted the We Are Change L.A. reporter from the event on
> grounds that he was obstructing the book signing, though the guard
> agreed that Howe had a right to free speech and that Frum had
assaulted him.
> Members of the book signing staff objected that he was holding up the
> line. Howe objected that no one was in-line and that he had asked the
> question in a civil and polite manner.
> Members of /We Are Change L.A./ tried to clarify the incident with
> Frum during an event the following day (April 27th) where reporters
> Frum again became upset and battered their cameras.
> Two members of /*We Are Change*/ <http://www.wearechange.org/> in New
> York were recently assaulted for *asking a question during a Laura
> speaking event. Gary Talis was falsely charged with 3rd degree Assault
> and *framed in the /NY Post/*
> as having attacked a girl in a wheelchair despite the fact that
> witnesses on the scene say that it was actually the girl's father who
> had provoked the fight with Talis and even used his disabled daughter
> 'as a weapon.'
> *Multiple neo-con blogs then called for violence*
> to be carried out against Talis, despite the fact that the NY Post
> account contradicted the police report.
> The response of provocation and violence has been entirely unilateral
> the part of neo-conservatives and their supporters-- an unfortunate
> response to the peaceful activism of /We Are Change/ and other 9/11
> truth groups that have proved effective at holding members of the
> establishment accountable.
> The use of violence to combat peaceful activism was first called for
> talking points from the mainstream media and is now being put into
> action by neo-con thugs everywhere to intimidate and challenge those
> trying to expose the truth.
> Howe is considering pressing charges against the former Bush
> Administration speech writer in relation to assault/battery on the
> of video evidence and security eyewitnesses.
> *HOWE: Here he is-- the man the myth, the legend-- David Frum. *
> *FRUM: The one thing I regret from our last conversation is that I
> didn't say to you what my friend Christopher Hitchens said. *
> *HOWE: What, you're friend said which type of medication? (apparently
> referring to a previous incident) *
> *FRUM: No, no, -- which is, you should fuck off.*
> *HOWE: Oh, okay .. alright...* Well, I guess we kind of saw that one
> coming -- but gosh you got me back on my heels here. Let me then pose
> you an A or B question very civilly-- A) do you think you think that
> this hoax which is the 9/11 investigation is going to keep on going
> (Frum gets up from table approximately 5 ft. away)
> *HOWE* /(cont'd)/: could you perhaps see that there will be
> fears
> (Frum now approaching Howe from around camera-- reaching for camera
> lens, swatting)
> *FRUM*: Turn off the camera. (smacks it) Go away! [Hit camera]
> (Frum walks away.)
> *HOWE*: I will not go away. I will not turn off the camera. We are in
> public. Are you worried, perhaps, about the criminal liability?
> (Howe turns to avoid Frum swinging, hits camera)
> *HOWE* (cont'd): Of being a partner to mass murder after the fact. You
> know that is a real concern because the truth is coming out.
> *FRUM*: Go away--
> (An older woman wearing an 'event staff' shirt gets between the
> altercation)
> *EVENT STAFF*: I'm going to have to ask you to leave; (Frum walks
> *HOWE*: I'm being polite; I'm asking him a question. It's my first
> amendment right as a citizen.
> *EVENT STAFF*: But not in this context .
> *HOWE*: And he's too scared to address the question. Look at him
> away. As the truth continues to come out, Mr. Frum, there are going to
> be criminal charges against all of those who are complicit in mass
> murder after the fact because of the cover-up. And you know that's
> real possibility.
> You should be scared. You should be unwilling to address this, you
> Because when it all comes out there are going to be a lot of people
> responsible for the deaths. I mean, you must be a little concerned
> that.You know the house of cards is falling apart. The 9/11 commission
> report is a joke.
> *SOMEONE IN CROWD* : If you want to ask him a question, buy a book
> *HOWE*: I'm asking a question. There's no one in line.
> (Security walks up).
> *HOWE*: I'm asking a question
> *SECURITY*: What's going on here?
> *BOOKSIGNING STAFF* : The author is signing for the people who've made
> purchases. (There is no one actually in line.) And we don't know the
> validity of him being press.
> (muffled audio)
> *HOWE*: No, I have not made a purchase
> *WOMAN*: He's crowding me in line
> *HOWE*: But there's nobody in line
> *HOWE*: I'M actually with WeAreChange LA media and I'm asking a civil,
> polite question. IF the 911 investigation continues to fall apart and
> the facts come out, if he's worried about being held liable as a
> co-conspirator in cover-up after the fact.
> *SECURITY*: I see what you're saying. it's a reasonable question. We
> just don't want anyone creating an obstruction.
> *HOWE*: As you can see, there's nobody in line to get books signed.
> *SECURITY*: I know, I understand, but you're making people
> *HOWE*: Yeah, well, it's not my intention to be irritating, but it is
> irritating question-- the situation of the murders in Iraq and the
> murders on 9/11 were irritating beyond irritating.
> *HOWE*:And Mr. Frum is a neo-conservative; they have spelled out their
> agenda-- *(Frum gets up from table)* --in the PNAC docs and he must
> to run away rather than face a simple question.
> *(Frum again lunges at Howe, swings at camera.)*
> *HOWE: Now He's assaulting me. And I have it on film. *
> *FRUM: I don't want to be on your camera. *
> *HOWE: We're in public. I've just been assaulted by David Frum on
> (Security guard witnesses this.)
> *SECURITY*: You need to take a walk with me this way.
> *HOWE*: And the grounds would be?
> *SECURITY*: I'm just trying to save you some trouble.
> *(See video for the rest of the conversation).*

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