"Second, we continue to believe that we can compensate for the
accelerating erosion of our base and our loss of jobs to foreign
countries through massive military expenditures — "military
Keynesianism" (which I discuss in detail in my book Nemesis: The
Last Days of the American Republic). By that, I mean the mistaken belief
that public policies focused on frequent wars, huge expenditures on
weapons and munitions, and large standing armies can indefinitely
sustain a wealthy capitalist economy. The opposite is actually true"
-Chalmers Johnson

Author Naomi Klein calls it Disaster Capitalism, and associates it with
neocon neolib economics, Milton Friedman, Chicaco School, Hayek and
Montpelerin Society, Berkeley Mafia. She says we have seen it before:
Chile, Argentina, Indonesia, Hurricane Katrina, to name a few.

What has always been "handy", as Joel Bowman calls it, about diverting
state revenues into the military, is that Milton Friedman's ivory tower
utopian pseudo-economics can only live in a laboratory petri dish unless
it has the full backing of a dictatorship with its police and military
might. Even then, as CIA director William Colby said a few years ago to
CIA hall of fame super hero Ralph McGehee,"We always lose", when the CIA
puts a dictator in power like Generals Pinochet of Chile and Suharto in
Indonesia, or George Bush in Coup2K and 2004, to enforce neocon neolib
Milton Friedman pseudo-economics.

Friedman's economics have always only ever been a circle of propaganda
around a dot that could not motivate. The real economics are still a
form of pseudo-economic pseudo-science, but will show you who to hang
from the lamp posts, so to speak. The real economics of pseudo-Darwinist
looting are explained by George Herbert Walker Bush in the 1980's and
1990's as follows: "If the American people knew what we were doing, they
would chase us down the street and hang us from the lamp posts...what we
are doing is capital transfer to those who are higher, tighter, and
righter...the velvet glove is off the iron fist". Hanging is a reference
to Nuremburg, where George's father Prescott Bush ought to have been
hung for his role in neocon-style non-defensive war, and to English
history, where the goldsmiths were hung from the lamp posts when they
were caught in fractional-reserve banking. The oligarchy looting under
cover of feigned "disinterested", pseudo-scientific albeit hired
hierarchicalism, is the dot inside the circle of economic propagandists
known as neocons.

Oligarchy looters are the dot in a circle, flesh in hierarchicalist
apologist pot...

How can lower order diesel cost a dollar more per gallon than highly
refined gasoline? Milton Friedman's free market is free for a
police-military dictatorship to grant king's charter monopolies which
are free to dictate a tax via freely raising diesel prices arbitrarily.

How can all petroleum fuel cost more despite the US militarily seizing
and occupying one of the world's largest sources of oil? Again, Milton
Friedman's free market is free for an oligarchy to have its minions
arbitrarily refuse to allow enough gasoline refining or refineries or
natural gas liquification plants or LP gas pipelines, so as to set
prices higher than they were before the war to make gasoline cheaper.

Many citizens were deluded by propaganda to believe that the War On
Terror was going to win lower gasoline prices and enfranchise them in
Military Keynesianism as Beltway Bandits or their
trickle-down-the-leg-lickers. Many were able to expense a 6001 pound
vehicle in the first year, so Hummers and big SUV's were free under
Military Keynesianism, free to those enfranchised as Beltway
Bandits(I-495 DC beltway). Now we know there were no WMD in Iraq, which
Blum and Scott Ritter and Joseph Wilson had proved before the US
invasion of Iraq, and we know that neo colonialism is not about resource
rape abroad to make gasoline cheaper, but liberating Milton Friedman's
looters to fix fuel prices arbitrarily higher by occasion of dictatorial
power. Under President Nixon, the same Donald Rumsfeld fixed prices
lower, but now the same band of neocons has freed market makers to fix
prices arbitrarily higher, by fiat of socialist dictatorship. The
trouble is that the society of that socialism is only a small elite
society, an oligarchy that is dot in the wagon circle of military

The outer motivational, idealogical, propaganda circle of Milton
Friedman's free market for an enslavingl elite of king's charter
corporations, trojan horses filled with oligarchy and neo colonialist
neo nobility Beltway Bandits, is candy coating on the dot in circle of
might-makes-right economic darwinism. Good debunks there would be found
in Vanity of the Philosopher by David Levy and Sandra Peart, and The
Ascendancy of Scientific Dictatorship by Phillip Darrell Collins & Paul
David Collins.


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