August 13, 2008 -- Manipulating the progressive media and diverting  
the news
publication date: Aug 13, 2008
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August 13, 2008 -- Manipulating the progressive media and diverting  
the news

This editor is participating in a national and international effort to  
stymie the plan by Democratic multi-billionaire financier and hedge  
fund manipulator George Soros to influence a Barack Obama  
administration's foreign and domestic policies. The effort will focus  
on educating the new Democratic congressional class as well as the  
news media on the history of Soros and his activities in fomenting  
crises, through "themed revolutions," in Eastern Europe and the  
nations of the former Soviet Union, attacking currencies and national  
economies, and engaging in predatory corporate practices that have  
resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the United  

The initiative against Soros and his loyalists, who include retired  
General Wesley Clark, former US ambassador to the UN Richard  
Holbrooke, Carter National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, is in  
the initial stages and more information will be forthcoming as the  
project progresses. Soros has made common cause with the neocons in  
attacking Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Iranian President  
Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, accusing them of being in nuclear league with one  
another. Soros is old neocon wine in a "neo-liberal" bottle.

Needless to say, Soros is not someone who should be a spokesperson,  
let alone a funder, of what is supposed to be a pro-labor and social  
rights political party, the Democratic Party. Soros began his sordid  
career in hedge funds (a combination of a betting parlor and a Ponzi  
scheme contrivance) in the late 1960s under Georges Coulon Karlweis,  
the vice chairman of Banque Privee Edmond Rothschild in Geneva,  
Switzerland. In the late 1960s, Karlweis provided Rothschild funds to  
Soros' Quota and Quantum hedge funds. Karlweis was the grand master of  
global financial chicanery and shysterism, having been linked to  
schemes of Bernard Cornfeld's International Overseas Services (IOS),  
the firm that Robert Vesco looted before he went into fugitive status.  
Karlweis also had his fingerprints on the antics of Michael Milken,  
Drexel Burnham Lambert's junk bond racketeer.

Soros has set himself up as a deep-pocketed prophet for liberal  
causes, yet he has diminished true progressives by spreading his ill- 
gotten profits through various front organizations. The main reason  
why former Democratic presidential candidate Mike Gravel was ridiculed  
and marginalized by such operations as DailyKos,  
DemocraticUnderground, Move.On, and America Coming Together was that  
Gravel was the first to take on The Carlyle Group and its Democratic  
neo-con managing director David Rubinstein over the firm's attempt to  
hoodwink Alaska Native tribes over their assets. It turns out that  
none other than Soros is a major investor in the Carlyle Group. Soros  
was also an investor in George W. Bush's Harken Energy after it  
required a financial bail out. At last January's World Economic Forum  
in Davis, Switzerland, a conclave of the mighty and powerful that  
should be rounded up and trucked off to "extraordinary rendition"  
prisons, Soros was present with Carlyle's Rubinstein. To round off the  
attendee list of perpetrators of economic crimes against the peoples  
of the world was hedge fund Blackstone Group CEO Stephen Schwarzman.  
Blackstone's former director was Lord Jacob Rothschild, Soros' old pal  
and financial colleague. These capitalist vultures have been picking  
up foreclosed homes at bargain basement prices from hard-working  
American families impoverished by such global shylocks due to the  
collapse of the U.S. dollar and the U.S. housing market.

Soros, through his bought-and-paid-for "progressive" media entities  
has managed to stifle any news that casts light on his own anti- 
democratic and anti-progressive activities in the United States and  
around the world. It has also come to light that Soros and his minions  
have targeted this editor for retaliation for the past four years.  
 From covering the 2004 election fraud in states like Ohio that  
involved Eastern European and Russian programmers in the employment of  
GOP operatives, to the Pamela Martin & Associates escort scandal  
involving top administration officials, to the activities of Russian- 
Israeli racketeers and gangsters like Boris Berezovsky, Leonid  
Nevzlin, and other colleagues of Soros, and the shooting of retired  
CIA agent Roland Carnaby in Houston, the Soros crowd not been happy.  
There is also ample reason to believe that this editor's phone call  
records and emails have been rifled through in order to obtain sources  
and funders. Note: it should be noted that the WMR site is very secure  
and protected by a firewalled server located outside the United States.

Proving illegal surveillance is very difficult. Some fifteen years  
ago, this editor was chairing a privacy panel at a Baltimore  
conference sponsored by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the  
National Institute of Standards and Technology. One panelist, whose  
father was a top NSA official,  was asked how could one tell if they  
were under surveillance. Her response to the audience that was likely  
expecting a more technical response, was "you just have a feeling."

Without going into details, this editor "has a feeling," based on  
events that have transpired with colleagues and supporters, that  
Soros' crew has been closely monitoring my activities and those of my  
colleagues and supporters.

However, even with Soros' billions, two can play at his game. The  
effort to educate the public about Soros and his agenda will take on  
added significance during Senate confirmation hearings and briefings  
for new members of Congress about Soros-backed nominees in a possible  
Obama administration.

Rather than expand NATO to Ukraine and Georgia, there will be a well- 
publicized campaign to abolish NATO, a move that should have occurred  
when the Warsaw Pact was disestablished after the fall of the Berlin  
Wall. The duplicitous nature of Soros-backed governments, such as the  
Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister  
Yulia Tymoshenko and the Georgian government of Mikheil Saakashvili,  
will be examined in detail and reports issued and newspaper op-eds  
distributed. Tymoshenko and Saakashvili represent neo-Cold War and  
anti-Russian politicians who have been tainted by their association  
with corrupt parties linked to the Russian-Israeli Mafia, such as  
Tymoshenko's one-time business partner former Ukrainian Prime Minister  
Pavlo Lazarenko, now serving a prison term in California for money  
laundering, corruption, and fraud and Saakashvili's mysterious "Golden  
Fleece" charity in Cyprus.

Soros will discover that what is worse than a "rebel without a cause"  
is a "rebel with a lost cause." Soros has left a trail of embittered  
businessmen and politicians the world over. The Democratic Party will  
come to realize that people will judge the party based on the company  
it keeps. And for Senator Obama, his visit to Soros' New York office  
last December with his hat in hand for money should not buy Soros  
globalist chips in an Obama administration.


Note: Soros' currency speculation sent the Malaysian economy into a  
tail spin some eight years ago. Soros is still widely despised in  
Malaysia. His answer to the bad press was to start his own  
"independent" news web portal, Malaysikini. The Malaysian government  
alleged that the "independent" new site received its funding from  
Soros via the "Southeast Asian Press Alliance" in Bangkok. Soros  
denied funding the site but it was later revealed that funding  
originated from the Center for Advanced Media in Prague, a contrivance  
of the Media Development Loan Fund, a project of Soros' Open Society  

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