August 14, 2008 -- Gates slashing rival chain-of-command elements in  
Air Force
publication date: Aug 14, 2008
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August 14, 2008 -- Gates slashing rival chain-of-command elements in  
Air Force

The Air Force suspended its Cyber Command in an order issued on August  
11. The decision came prior to General Norton Schwartz assuming the  
Air Force Chief of Staff position. The shakeup in the Air Force  
follows the discovery of a rival chain-of-command operating within the  
Defense Department, particularly through the Air Force, that took  
orders directly from Vice President Dick Cheney's office. WMR reported  
on this rival chain in a series of exclusive reports.

The decision to suspend the Air Force Cyber Command deals a blow to  
the interests of key members of the rival chain, including the  
commander of the 8th Air Force in Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana.  
Barksdale was strongly hinted as the permanent home for the Cyber  
Command by the previous Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne. Wynne and  
Air Force Chief of Staff General Michael Moseley were fired by Defense  
Secretary Robert Gates in an attempt to eliminate the rival chain,  
which was responsible for a series of unauthorized operations  
involving nuclear weapons, including the movement of six nuclear-armed  
cruise missiles on a B-52 from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale last  
August. Other Air Force nuclear incidents involved the movement of  
Minuteman III nose cone fuses to Taiwan, the possible loss of over  
1000 other nuclear components, the falling asleep of three Minuteman  
III Minot missile officers with nuclear firing codes, the recent truck  
accident involving a Minuteman III in North Dakota, Minot's flunking  
of its nuclear surety inspection in May, and the virtually unreported  
incident at Minot involving the theft of military equipment by nuclear  
security personnel last year and an Air Force "gag order" on the  

The decision to suspend the Cyber Command is being blamed on inter- 
service rivalry between Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Michael  
Mullen and the Air Force, with Mullen favoring the Navy's own cyber- 
warfare program over that of the Air Force. The rivalry argument is an  
attempt to divert attention away from the serious problems involving  
the command and control of nuclear weapons. And the Navy is not immune  
to the nuclear command problems. Yesterday, the Commander of Navy  
Strategic Communications Wing One at Tinker Air Force Base in  
Oklahoma, relieved Commander Shawn Bentley of his command over the  
VQ-3 Boeing E6-B Mercury "Ironman" squadron. The squadron provides  
airborne communications between the White House National Command  
Authority and U.S. nuclear ballistic missile submarine -- what is  
known as the Take Charge and Move Out (TACAMO) mission to communicate  
nuclear launch codes from the president to deployed nuclear missile  
submarines on patrol around the world. Bentley had only been on the  
job for three months when he was fired.

On April 25, 2008, WMR reported on key members of the rival Air Force  
chain: Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff, David Addington,  
remains in office. Air Force Secretary Wynne and Air Force Chief of  
Staff Gen. Moseley were fired by Gates on the same day. Brigadier Gen.  
Lawrence Stuztriem, Chief of Staff of the Air Force Strategic Studies  
Group - CHECKMATE, was promoted last month to Major General.

Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, Commander 8th Air Force, Barksdale Air Force  
Base, has lost his much-sought-after Cyber Command component. Col.  
Bruce Emig, Commander 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base was relieved  
of command after last year's cruise missile nuclear incident, and   
Maj. Gen. Stephen Goldfein, one-time Commander Air Warfare Center,  
Nellis Air Force Base and now Vice Director of the Joint Staff at the  
Pentagon, has, according to senior Air Force sources, been cooperating  
in an investigation of Moseley. Moseley's one time executive officer,  
Brigadier Gen. Thomas Tinsley, reportedly died last month from a "self- 
inflicted" gun shot wound while serving as Commander of the 3rd Wing  
at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Alaska. Emig's replacement as 5th Bomb  
Wing Commander at Minot, Col. Joel Westa, remains in command following  
the failure of the base's nuclear surety inspection. When he fired  
Wynne and Moseley, Gates stated that other Air Force officials could  
follow them in being sacked.

Dr. Lani Kass, ex-Israeli Air Force officer, Cyber Warfare Task Force  
Director, U.S. Air Force/Project CHECKMATE until May of last year, has  
served as a Special Assistant to the Air Force Chief of Staff and is  
currently listed in that position under the new Chief of Staff General  

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