Scientists posit that half of earth's biomass exists under sea and

One wonders how info control can be so tight that Thomas Gold and the
Russians deep earth non-fossil mineral oil concept, drilling for oil
sedimentary layers, Vietnam White Tiger and Canadian Shield oil, can
be left out like 911 anthrax stories never mention the first CIA
Mena, Arkansas, mail anthraxing (CIA, mail, and anthrax not enough
commonalities to associate them! or journalists don't know history?!).

One wonders how info control can be so tight that the story includes the
speculation that carbon dioxide might be stored by these clever
(give them money) but not asking if carbon dioxide is given off in great
quantities from below if more than half of earth's biomass exists under
sea and ground.

Duh. I guess stupid questions are my problem. Poverty is just a
self-fulfilling prophecy here due to always persecuting the bullseye. I
must not have made my campaign contributions. Maybe Thomas
Gold did not have abs and Russell Welch is not as pretty as Bruce Ives.


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